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How To Configure Catalog Search In Magento 2

1. What is Magento 2 Catalog Search As you may know, visitors who use search box to find product tend to purchase product more than...
2. magento 2 copyright text feature

2 Best Ways to Edit Footer Magento 2 Copyright Notification

By searching Magento 2 Copyright notification, you may understand what is Magento 2 copyright notification? It is a text line in the footer of Magento...
feature magento 2 welcome message

How to Edit Default Magento 2 Welcome Message

Welcome message is shown in the top right of the header that includes the customer’s name when they logged in. However, if not login, by...

How To Create Menus For Multiple Storeview

As you know, Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension helps you create Dynamic Magento 2 Menu Multistore. By install this extension, you can create your menu...

How To Change Homepage Title In Magento 2

In this tutorials, we will show you how to change store title in magento 2. Step 1. Go to the Admin panel > Content >...
manage customer's review

How To Manage Customer’s Review and Ratings in Magento 2

I. How To Manage Customer's Review In your admin panel, go to Marketing > User content > Reviews This is where you can view all of...
how to change local admin magento 2

How I change the locale of admin backend

In the recent time, one undeniable thing is that Magento 2 is spreading more and more widely and thickly. In fact, Magento is developed...

How To Create Magento 2 Blocks With Blocks Builder

In this post, we will show you how to create magento 2 blocks in 2 ways. The first one is to write code to...
disable magento 2 reviews and ratings

How To Disable Magento 2 Reviews and Rating

In these tutorials, I will show you the best way to disable Magento 2 reviews and ratings. It is very easy to follow. Please take...
magento-2-page-builder- Magento 2 Visual Design Editor

Magento 2 Visual Design Editor | Magento 2 Page Builder

Are you looking for Magento 2 Visual Design Editor? Our Magento 2 Page Builder will be the best choice. Have you heard about Magento...