How to Create Magento 2 Menu with 6 Types – Magento 2 Mega Menu- Landofcoder

create magento 2 menu with 06 style

In Magento 2, this Magento 2 Mega Menu comes with tons of powerful features. By Drag n Drop Features and tons of pre-made styles in Mega Menu, it helps to create a wide range of rich menus. It is very ease to setup, use & customization. One of the reasons why You Should choose Magento 2 Mega Menu on Landofcoder is that it supports to create 6 Types of Menus in Magento 2.

So in terms of our blog, we will show you 6 Styles to Create Magento 2 Menu:

  1. Anchor Text
  2. Dynamic Category Listing
  3. Child menu
  4. Content
  5. Product Listing
  6. Product Grid
  7. Default Category Listing

Follow us! Let’s discover “How to Create Magento 2 Menu with 06+ Styles by Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension” – Landofcoder.

Note: This Blog ensures you Create Magento 2 Menu with style. You have to know these steps:

+ How to Create Simple Menu Magento 2 ?
+ How to Add Category Link to Menu in Magento 2 ?

Watch Video -> 

1. Create Magento 2 Menu with Anchor Text Styles

Being the first style in Magento 2, Anchor Text Menu in Magento 2 Mega Menu is the most simple style in both style and use.

Start to Create Magento 2 Menu with Anchor Text Menu Style:

You have 2 styles:

  • Add Link Category: View more -> 
  • Custom Link: For other link ( not category link)

Add New Menu -> Fill General Menu Information:

creat magento 2 menu with anchor text

  • Name menu:
  • Link Type: Custom Link
  • Custom Link: # or detail link to other page, not category
    (This hash (#) to make this item not clickable in the top menu ) -> Update

Save & Continue Edit -> View it on Frontend to see How it Display.

2. How to Create Magento 2 Menu with Dynamic Menu Category Listing:

Add New Menu -> Edit -> Insert Widget -Settings -> Update -> Save & Continue Edit

  • Add New Menu: Menu Gear

create magento2 dynamic menu category listing

+ At General Settings:

Link Type: Category Link
Category: Choose The Category link you want to link -> Update
Content: Choose Dynamic Content Tab

dynamic content menu magento 2

At Subcategory (Child menu) and Click “Edit”

dynamic menu category magento 2

Main Content Type: Choose “Content”

dynamic menu magento 2

  • Insert Widget:

Widget Type: Ves Megamenu: Products
Widget Options: Choose categoies: Select categories you want

Number of Item: 20

  • Owl Carousel Settings:

Enable: Yes
Number of Item per Column: 2
Margin: 1
Auto Width: Yes/No
Autoplay: Yes/No
Auto HoverPause: Yes/No
Show Dots Navigations: Yes/No
Show next/prev buttons: Yes/No

  • Item Settings:
    Show Name: Yes/No
    Show Price: Yes/No
    Show Image: Yes/No
    Image Width: 150
    Image Height: 200

-> Insert Widget -> Update -> Save & Continue Edit

3. Create Child Menu (Submenu) in Magento 2

Child menu (Submenu) is the secondary menu. It is a list of choices that is part of another list of choices. If you enable the field “Is Group” is “Yes”, both menu & submenus items will be displayed in the same level.

Create New Menu -> Add Submenu – the same steps to create single menu in Magento 2

You need to add parent menu A -> Submenu (secondary menu) and child menu

And Edit menu A:

+ At Dropdown:

Set Width: 100%

And “Update”

At Menu 1:
Click Edit -> At General Information -> Is Group: Choose “Yes”


And “Update”

At Main content You can set 1 or 2: -> “Update -> Save & Continue Edit”

View How it Displayed at the Frontend.

4. How to Add Custom Menu with HTML Video, Google Map in Magento 2?

Add New Menu -> Name Menu -> Update

-> At Main Content -> Choose “Main Content Type” = “Content”


4.1 Add Custom Menu with HTML Video:



Choose HTML Element:
Insert Video HTML: -> Update -> Update

At Dropdown:

Width: 500px
Choose Alignment: From right menu
Classes: Pull-right

-> Update -> Save & Continue Edit

5. How to Add Menu with Product Grid/Listing in Magento 2 ?

Add New Menu -> Name Product -> Update

Main Content -> Main Content Type: Choose Content

At Content HTML -> Insert Widget -> Widget Type: Choose Ves Mega Menu Products


Widget Options:

Choose Categories: All
Number Item: 20

On Owl Carousel Settings:

  • Enable: Yes/No
  • Number of Item per Columm: 2
  • Mouse Drag: Yes/No
  • Pull Drag: Yes/No
  • Free Drag: Yes/No
  • Autoplay: Yes/No
  • Autoplay HoverPause: Yes/No

Item Settings:

  • Show Name: Yes/No
  • Show Price: Yes/No
  • Show Review: Yes/No
  • Show Image: Yes/No
  • Set Image Width: 150
  • Set Image Height: 200

Then Click ” Insert Widget” -> Update

  • At Dropdown:
    Set Width: 100%

-> Update -> Save & Continue Edit

6. How to Add Magento 2 Menu with Default Category Listing ?

Create New Menu -> Update -> Save & Continue Edit -> Update

Edit Menu -> Edit:

Main Content:


Main Content Type: Sub-categories
Parent category: Choose Category for Parent

Child Menu Column: 2



+ Set Width: 400px
+ Alignment: From right Items
-> Update -> Save & Continue Edit

7. Clear Cache

System -> Cache Management -> Sellect All -> Submit


This our blog “Create Magento 2 Menu with 06+ Styles easily by Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension – Landofcoder. We hope this blog helps you enrich your menu content & style.

Magento 2 Mega Menu Tutorials

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