How to Style Magento 2 Menu Without Editing CSS file | LandofCoder Tutorial

style magento 2 menu without editting css file

Colorful & Eye-catchy Menu are the main keys to keep customers’ view at the first sight. It brings a wonderful shopping experience on your store with their own store.

But the question is “How can you style color for your menu” ? When you don’t have enough technical knowledge and how can you do it without code ?

Come with us. With our Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension & Magento 2 Mega Menu PRO Extension will help you “Style Magento 2 Menu without editting CSS File”.

Watch Video Tutorial first:

Login Admin -> Venustheme -> Menu Management -> Choose Menu Top to Edit -> Go to Menu Editor

  1. Style Magento 2 Menu Color & Background


Click to Menu you want to Style -> Edit -> Design Option:

+ Text Color: Enter color pallet for text menu
+ Hover Text Color: Color of text menu when you hover on
+ Background Color: Color of background of text when you don’t hover on
+ Background Hover Color: When you hover on, color of background of menu will be appear
+ Inline CSS: If you want to set border, padding or color of them, you can add them here and remember to separate by Semi-colon.

2. Style Magento 2 Menu Dropdown

Go to Submenu and Click Edit -> At Dropdown and Edit Style for Menu Dropdown


+ Set Width: The width of your dropdown when you click on the menu with submenus
+ Alignment: Set position of your menu display
+ Background Color: Set color from current pallet color range.
+ Background Image: Set image background for menu
+ Background Repeat:
+ Background Position X:
+ Background Position Y:
+ Inline CSS: As soon as you want to style for border, color, padding for dropdown, you can add them here and separated by semi-colon.

Click to Update -> Save & Continue Edit

3. Clear Cache

Then Clear Cache: System -> Cache Management -> Select All -> Submit


Congratulation! You’ve Style Magento 2 Menu without Editing CSS File. This tutorial help you style color for text, background, dropdown size, border, padding, image & color background, etc. We hope that you can style your menu easily

Magento 2 Mega Menu Tutorials

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