How To Setup Magento 2 Menus for Multiple Storeview – Landofcoder


This tutorial will show you tutorial : “Magento 2 Menus Multistores Setup “ by using Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension – Landofcoder.

In this blog, you have to follow:

+ Create Storeview: France Storeview, English Storeview

+ Create Menu for Storeview: English Mega Menu & France Mega Menu Create Storeviews:

Watch Video:

I. Create Magento 2 Multiple Storeviews:

Go to Admin Panel -> Store -> All Store -> Add New Storeview -> Save Storeview


Add English Storeview Information:

create-english-storeview-magento-2Same steps to create France Storeview Magento 2:


II. Setup Magento 2 Menus Multistores:

+ To Setup Magento 2 Menu Multistores, you should know How to Add Simple Menu Magento 2 first. It has same steps in creating simple menu magento 2.

For example: Your Store have 2 Storeviews: France Store View & English Store View

– Create English Mega Menu
– Create France Mega Menu
– Clear Cache

1. Create Magento 2 Menus for English Storeview


Go to Admin Panel -> Venustheme -> Add New Menu: Fulfill all information on that.

Name: English Menu
Alias: mega menu
Scroll to Fix: Enable/Disable
Additional Class:
Disable Dimensions:
Desktop Template:
Modile Template:
Disable Item Blocks on mobile: Disable/Enable
Customer Groups:
Storeview: English

Create Menu for English Store:

Add Menu Item -> Edit Name -> Update Menu -> Save Menu

Then create submenu for English store, please follow this tutorial: How to Create Simple Menu in Magento 2

2. Create Magento 2 Menus for France Storeview

For France Menu, you can follow the same steps when creating menu for English Storeview.  However, it will take your time. Otherwise, to save your time, you can Click “Save & Duplicate” to duplicate Menu in English Store. Then “Edit Duplicated Menu” for France Menu


Go back to Venustheme -> Manage Menus -> Choose that Duplicated Menu -> Edit

Name: France Mega Menu
Choose Storeview: France

At Menu Editor:

Renamed Menu to France Menu
Then Click “Update”

For submenu on Horizontal & vertical menu, you have to edit menu for France Store.

Then Tap “Update” before “Save Menu”

3. Create New Page:


Go to Content -> Page-> Add New Page:

Page title: Mega Menu Demo

Enable Page: Enable/disable
Content Heading: Mega Menu

At Content Section: Insert Widget –>

Widget Type: “Ves Mega Menu”
Widget Options: Menu Choose type of English Mega Menu

Then Insert Widget -> Save Page.

III. Clear Cache

System -> Cache Management -> Sellect All -> Submit


You’ve successfully “Setup Magento 2 Menus for Multiple Storeviews” by using Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension – Landofcoder.

We hope our Blog “Setup Magento 2 Menus Multistore” with Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension – Landofcoder will help your setup menu more quickly and simple.

Magento 2 Mega Menu Tutorials

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