Easily Create Magento 2 Mobile Menu and Desktop Menu at the Same Page

create magento 2 mobile menu tutorials landofcoder

Do you want to show one mega menu for desktop, other menus for mobile at the same page? Come with Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension & Magento 2 Mega Menu Pro Extension – Landofcoder. It helps you do as well.

In this our blog, we will show you Best Way to Create Magento 2 Mobile Menu & Magento 2 Desktop Menus on the same page by using Magento 2 Mega Menu (Magento 2 Mega Menu PRO )- Landofcoder.

First of all, you should create 2 menus with different alias top-menu for Desktop & top-menu-mobile

Desktop: top-menu
Mobile: top-menu-mobile

Admin Panel -> Venustheme -> Mega Menu ( Mega Menu Pro) -> Add New Menu

create magento 2 new menu

Fill all information of detail menus. Menu detail information includes General Settings, Menu Editor. Moreover, you will create parent menus & submenus here.

Create Desktop Menu:

create magento2 menu desktop

Create Mobile menu Magento 2:

add magento 2 mobile menu

Please view more at: How to Create Simple Menu in Magento 2.

Edit top-menu profile of desktop view. Then choose mobile menu type = “Custom menu” and config mobile menu profile as this:

set menu mobile template magento 2

Then “Save” the menu profile and “Clear cache”.

Navigate System -> Cache Management -> Select All -> Submit

This is our blog for Create Magento 2 Mobile Menu & Magento 2 Desktop menu At The same Page by using Magento 2 Mega Menu & Magento 2 Mega Menu PRO Extension – LandOfCoder.

Magento 2 Mega Menu Tutorials

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