How to Manage Seller Withdrawals in Magento 2 Marketplace Extension


With the help of Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, sellers can manage a wide range of things such as products, sales, invoices, reviews & ratings, and so on by using Seller Cpanel. One of important things vendors in marketplace need to manage is their withdrawals. Therefore, to continue the series of blog tutorials for How to use Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module, in this blog we will guide you how to mange Seller Withdrawals in Magento 2 Marketplace Extension fast and easily.

First, you need to go to your Seller Cpanel. Then, reach Withdrawals to manage the details.

how to manage seller withdrawals in magento 2 marketplace extension

Here, you will see that there are two main parts in Withdrawals: Withdrawal Request and Withdrawals History.

how to manage seller withdrawals in magento 2 marketplace extension

In Withdrawal Request, you can see your balance, method, description and fee of each request for withdrawal. Let’s explore details of Paypal method by clicking on it.

how to manage seller withdrawals in magento 2 marketplace extension

In each method, you will see the maximum and minimum amount of money sellers can withdraw.

In Magento 2 Marketplace, sellers can withdraw an amount of money from their credit account to their Bank, Paypal, and so on by making a withdrawal request. Sellers can submit a withdrawal request from their Seller panel to withdraw the funds.

how to manage seller withdrawals in magento 2 marketplace extension

The next part of withdrawals management is Withdrawals History. You cannot manage seller withdrawals in Magento 2 Marketplace Extension effectively without keeping track of your withdrawals history.

how to manage seller withdrawals in magento 2 marketplace extension

In this section, sellers can track all information of their withdrawals including payment method, amount, time they are created, status. If you want to see the details of each withdrawal, click on View.

It’s easy and fast to manage seller withdrawals in Magento 2 Marketplace Extension. Also, it will be more useful for you to watch the video tutorial of How to manage seller withdrawals in Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace.

That’s all for the guide of How to manage seller withdrawals in Magento 2 Marketplace Extension. Hope it useful for you.

Last but not least, don’t forget to follow our blog tutorials series of How to use Magento 2 Multi Vendor Marketplace extension effectively.





