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In a period of fierce competition, you are looking for the most powerful tools to optimize your site's quality to gain customer experience without slowing down site speed? Here is one best suggestion for you: Magento 2...
1. What is Magento 2 Catalog Search As you may know, visitors who use search box to find product tend to purchase product more than who use navigation alone. Hence, besides allowing customer find product by menu navigation or catalog...
In this tutorial, we will show you easy-to-follow steps to change theme in Magento 2.0  and Magento 2.1. Although you need to change theme from admin in both versions, in Magento 2.1 there are some...
During shipping process, your customers are often concerned because they had already paid but not received their purchased product yet. Hence, in order to reduce your customer's worry we have create magento 2 order tracking extension. This extension allows...
Being a free Magento image slider extension,  it becomes to get a higher rank on Google index. Why? If someone gives you 2 choices. There are Free product and paid product. Which product will you choose?  Of course, you will...
Brand Page is very important for each company, each product. if you are a businessman, it is extremely necessary. Because if your product doesn’t have good impress brand, it is hard to your product reach your customers need. So...
You are fan of images? And you are looking for a strong tool which helps your image become professional on the web. Don’t worry about this. Our Magento image Gallery extension will side your side. We will sold all your...
Normally, some customers prefer navigation menu to find the product in the list; Meanwhile, others loves using magento 2 search extension to find out their desired product. Thus, if your customer search product fast, it raises your site higher...
As you know, the process of design a series of questions is time-consuming and causes a headache for each designer. And now, get rid off worry, please! Because we have 1 important support tools - FAQ- is supported to you...
With all of the designers and the web, our testimonial becomes more impressive. But among the Magento review extensions, you can realize our Magento 2 Testimonials Module. Because it is on top of the result page. That is our...