Best, Quickest & Simplest Way to Config Magento 2 Page Builder

config magento 2 page builder

To continuing series tutorials for Magento 2 Page Builder, now, I will show you “Best, Quickest, Simplest way to Config Magento 2 Page Builder”. To config Magento 2 Page Builder, you should experience with 3 main below steps:

– Base Widget Settings
– Page Builder Settings
– Live CSS Editor Settings

1. Config Base Widget Settings

Go to Admin Panel > Venustheme > Ves PageBuilder 

> Base Widgets > Configuration

Then you will config “General Settings”:

+ Enable: Enable this function for your page

+ Root Media Path: Allow to Input root media folder path of filemanager popup in pages builder ( media/FOLDER_PATH) . Input FOLDER_PATH . For example folder name: wysiwyg . The filemanager will get images from media/wysiwyg . Default empty value.

+ Dir Mode: Insert new dirs mode for block. Default value is 0755

+ File Mode: Set new file mode for block. Default value is 0644

+ Max Archive Files Size: Set Max allowed archive files size (0 – no limit)

+ Enable Cookies Jquery: Yes/No

+ Enable Countdown Js: Yes/No

2. Config Magento 2 Pages Builder Settings

Go to Admin > Ves PageBuilder > Pages Builder > Configuration

General Settings:

Enable: Set Yes/No
Minify Html Output: Set Yes/No
Enabled Parallax Js: Set Yes/No
Enabled Colorbox Popup JS: Set Yes/No
Enabled Fancybox Popup JS: Set Yes/No
Enabled Bootstrap 24 Columns: Set Yes/No
Load bootstrap 24 columns for backend of pagebuilder and element builder to build layout with maximum 24 columns.

Enabled Image Holder Js: Set Yes/No
Auto Backup Page Builder Profile: Set Yes/No
Allow auto backup page builder profile to Json file store in the folder “var/cache/vespagebuilder/”

Enabled Preview Element Profile: Set Yes/No

Expired Page Settings:
+ Redirect to URL: Input URL to redirect when the page expired visible date. Empty to hide.

+ Load CMS Block:

Select a CMS static block to display when the page profile expired visible date. Default not choose.

Load CMS Block Page Builder Magento 2

Coming soon Page Settings:
+ Redirect to URL:

+ Load CMS Block:

Load CMS Block for Coming soon page

Private Page Settings (Certain Customer Group)
+ Redirect to URL
+ Enable Login Form
+ Load CMS Block

3. Config Live CSS Editor Settings

Go to Admin > Ves PageBuilder > Live CSS Tool > Configuration

Enable Live Css Tool: Enable/disable

After all, click “Save” to save your configuration

Finally, “Clear Cache & Refresh Page” to get new changes.

These all steps which help you “How to Config Magento 2 Page Builder Easily & Quickly” in our series Magento 2 Page Builder Tutorials. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.





