Best Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse Inventory Management for Operation Improvement

Best Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse Inventory Management for Operation Improvement

Magento 2.3 version is released to develop best magento 2.3 extensions for website optimization. Among powerful extensions for Magento 2.3, Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse will be one of the most essential extensions to improve your store operation. Let’s see what’s the best Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse Inventory Management and benefits it can bring to your eCommerce website.

I. Multi Warehouse Inventory Overview

What’s the difference between a single warehouse and multi warehouse inventory?

Single warehouse inventory system is popular with eCommerce platforms such as Magento, Opencart, Pretashop, Woocommerce, Shopify, etc. Shops with single source of inventory are still good for retailers. However, the expenditure of goods delivery from single warehouse system is increasing because of business growth. Hence, almost huge eCommerce websites need a multi warehouse system.

What is a Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse Inventory extension?

Recently Magento 2.3 has released Multi-Source Inventory (MSI) – a new tool to manage inventory across multiple physical loactions from the Magento admin panel. MSI is a big step to develop Magento 2.3 Multi-warehouse system. It is an effective inventory system to manage multiple inventory locations and keep track of those inventory with ease.

Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse Inventory Management

II. Why Should Use?

Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse Inventory Management takes an important part in improve your store operation. Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse Inventory extension helps you handle the disadvantage of the default Magento. Magento offers a single shipping origin and supports to control SKUs of one stock quantity. But with Multi Warehouse Inventory Management for Magento 2.3, you can create multiple warehouses and assign various products to different suppliers.

In addition, you can manage restock operations with inventory information of each warehouse. When the product quantity becomes low on stock, you can automatically send emails to suppliers right from your admin. Besides, you can save lots of time and effort to place orders because Magento 2.3 Multi Location Inventory can be integrated into your suppliers’ system.

This extension will be used for vendors who run many warehouses, multilingual stores and multi admin stores. Also, multi warehouse eCommerce is significant for both online business and marketplace growth. One of big examples for multi warehouse inventory system is Amazon FBA.

III. Outstanding Features Of Multi-Warehouse Extension For Magento 2.3

Magento 2.3 Multi-Warehouse Extension comes with a ton of powerful and awesome features.

1. Create unlimited warehouses

You can create as many warehouses as you want with the advanced Magento multistore inventory tool.

2. Assign warehouses to storeviews and customer groups

Multi warehouse inventory management system allows you to connect each warehouse to specific storeviews and customer groups. Help you allocate stock products accurately.

3. Split order from different warehouses

You can devide the order of many items from multiple warehouses into different shipments. Thus, the cost for delivery will be calculated separately.

4. Set multi-level of stock

  • Physical quantaty: total stock in a warehouse location
  • Quantity to ship: stock for shipping
  • Available quantity: stock for sale

5. Real time stock control

Both the Manage Stock grid and product pages in the backend allow you to update product stock of particular warehouse: edit product quantity and specify shelf location.

6. Set backorders for warehouses

You can enable and configure backorders setting for each warehouse to sell out-of-stock products.

7. Set warehouse priority

You can ship items from a warehouse having available product quantity to fulfill the order. Hence, customers will not get in trouble with orders of low-in-stock items and multiple shipments.

8. Smart warehouse selection algorithm

With the smart algorithm of a warehouse selection, customers can get a suitable warehouse for their order with:

  • Warehouse priority
  • Warehouse location/Nearest warehouse
  • Store view of the order
  • Customer group assignment

9. Customize shipping methods and rates

You can set the shipping rates of individual warehouse by calculate shipping cost precisely based on its location.

10. Easily import/export stock data

Magento 2.3 multi-warehouse inventory enables you to import or export stock information manually or automatically from CSV or XML file.

11. Enable low stock reports

When products are getting out of stock based on a custom stock value you set, you can get a detailed report for specific warehouse or all warehouses.

12. Auto hide out-of-stock items

The extension will remove all out-of-stock products of warehouses automatically.

Apart from above highlight features, Magento 2.3 multi warehouse inventory module offers other useful functions. You can explore them in particular extensions from different providers. Moreover, you also can refer the guide for usage and configuration of Magento 2.3 multi-warehouse extension from one of providers.

IV. Magento 2 Multi-Warehouse Inventory Collection

Some best Magento 2 Multi Warehouse Extensions for your online store:

V. Conclusion

With this blog, we hope that you will have certain understanding of Magento 2.3 Multi Warehouse Inventory extension. Moreover, you can take advantage of its features to optimize your store operation and expend your business growth.


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