Top 10+ Best Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Extensions | Free & Premium | 2024 Updated

abandoned cart email extension

Why did 78% of shoppers abandon their cart without purchasing or booking? Because the checkout is so long, have no intention of buying on the first visit, or want to get the best deal but the prices aren’t competitive enough? To increase the conversion rate of your website, instead of only optimizing your checkout page, offering them appealing coupons, or giving surprise gift cards, you can reduce the huge number of abandoned shopping carts with the advanced Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email extension.

This Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Extension will help you have a fruitful experience with your online business! It makes it easier for your customers to buy from their abandoned cart by sending a cart recovery email.

If you are not sure how to make the customers come back to your store or have confusing sales email messages, that’s okay. Let’s look at the list of 10 Best Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Recovery Extensions that can help increase sales. +

Find more cool Magento 2 extensions here. Other amazing SALES MOTIVATION extensions!

Product Name
Highlight features
Promo Code
Detail Infor 
landofcoder Pop Up Extension for Magento 2
Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email
  • Easily customized various email templates
  • One-step cart recovery
  • Automatically generate coupons
DC10FAE  (10% OFF)

B2PLE15 (15% OFF Buy 2)

B3PLE25 (25% OFF Buy 3)
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Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2
  • One-step cart recovery
  • Precise email targeting
  • Flexible dispatch schedule
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Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email For Magento 2
  • Flexible email chain configuration
  • Automatically Generate Coupons
  • Support Google Analytics UTM
magikcommerce call for price magento 2 extension
Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email
  • Create flexible messages with text and variables
  • Preview content and send test emails
  • Schedule abandoned cart emails
LandOfCoderSpecial15 (15% OFF)
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Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2
  • Set an extra charge based on the order items or order subtotal
  • Added support to send abandoned cart emails to guest users
  • Unlimited customized email templates
MAGE20%OFF (20% OFF)
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Abandoned Cart Email
  • Unlimited campaigns with flexible rules
  • Test Campaign for each rule
  • Mandrill & Nexmo integration
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Abandoned Cart Emails Pro for Magento 2
  • Send personalized emails to return visitors to abandoned carts
  • Increase conversion by emailing custom time-limited offers
  • Select optimal send intervals to maximize customer response
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Abandoned Cart Email Reminder for Magento 2
  • Admin can set cron to send the auto emails to the customers
  • Admin can view the weekly, monthly and yearly abandoned cart report
  • The admin can set the mail template and the content for auto email
wkmp10 (10% OFF)
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Abandoned Cat Email Extension for Magento 2
  • Track Abandoned Cart on your Website
  • Recover Lost Sales and Increase Orders
  • Communicate with Potential Customers easily
magikcommerce call for price magento 2 extension
Magento 2 Abandoned Cart
  • Turn abandoned carts into completed purchases
  • Send automatic abandoned cart reminders to customers
  • Allow customers to recover carts in one click


The list of abandoned cart emails for Magento 2 is never an end. It’s hard to find out the helpful ones for sure of your online store. 

We’ve curated a list of 10 top Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email extensions that can help you boost sales in 2023.

Let’s get started with the critical need to bring shoppers to your e-commerce site.

1. Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email | Landofcoder $199

Don’t give up on potential customers easily! Over 40% emails regarding abandoned carts are opened and 21% out of them are clicked-through with this Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Landofcoder.

In fact, Abandoned Cart Email Extension for Magento 2 by Landofcoder comes with a simple interface and intuitive template. In other word, with Landofcoder’s Magento 2 Abandoned Cart by your side, your business will be much easier to manage.

magento 2 abandoned cart email

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code DC10FAE  (10% OFF)

Highlight Features:

  • Easily Customized Various Email Templates
  • One-Step Cart Recovery
  • Automatically Generate Coupons
  • Precise Email Targeting
  • Set Detail Conditions for Rule
  • Flexible dispatch schedule
  • Send Test Email Campaign In One Click
  • Track email campaigns with Google Analytics tool
  • Easy to config
CompatibilityMagento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, Magento EE 2.1.x, EE 2.2.x, EE 2.3.x
Rating5/5 – 15 reviews
Guarantee30 days money back

Easy To Install and Use:

2. Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2 | Amasty $149

The second recommend Abandoned cart email is provided by Amasty.

It allows you to send automated triggered reminders to visitors who left your store without the purchasing. Due to this user-friendly tool, you’ll be able to effectively recover abandoned carts, thus, significantly boosting your conversions.

Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2

Click to purchase | We’re contacting the provider for a discount code

Highlight features:

  • Limit recovered carts in a current month per customer
  • Capture emails of guest visitors with AJAX to send follow-ups
  • Unsubscribe customers from future alerts
  • Moderate emails in the queue grid
  • Manage all existing cron tasks on a Cron Tasks List grid
  • Automatically remove sent emails from history to archive
  • Track and monitor email campaigns with Google Analytics
  • SMTP Support
  • GDPR Compliance
CompatibilityMagento 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Rating4.9/5 – 8 reviews
Guarantee60 days money back

3. Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2 | Mageplaza $79

The third candidate on this Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email For Magento 2 developed by Mageplaza.

Using this extension, the sellers can easily configure all the information for customer use, automatically send catchy reminders and enhance customer loyalty by offering discount coupons.

abandoned cart email for magento

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code WELCOME10 (10% OFF)

Highlight features:

  • Flexible email chain configuration
  • Support Google Analytics
  • Email Logs
  • Automatically Generate Coupons
  • Pre-made email templates
  • Overall Report for a quick view
  • Checkout Abandonment Report with details
  • Abandoned Product Report
  • Shopping Behavior Analysis
  • Cart Board: Real-time, Abandoned, Recoverable, Converted
  • Personalize Emails Easily
CompatibilityMagento 2.1.x, 2.3.X and Magento EE 2.0.x, 2.3.X
Rating4.9/5 – 25 reviews
Guarantee60 days money back

4. Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2 | Aheadworks $79

The next option for you is Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email from Aheadworks.

With this extension, customers can return to your store more easily. Create powerful emails, schedule automatic mailing, select products and carts applicable to the abandoned cart rules. 

abandoned cart for magento 2

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code LandOfCoderSpecial15 (15% OFF)

Highlight features:

  • Segment mail audience upon cart, product, store view conditions
  • Enable coupon code application
  • Track emails via the mail log
  • Specify how long emails are stored in the database
  • Send abandoned cart emails to registered and guest users
CompatibilityCE 2.3.X EE 2.3.X
Rating4.9/5 – 8 reviews
Guarantee45 days money back

5. Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2 | Magedelight $149

Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2 by Magedelight works best to keep customers coming back to the store to purchase the items left in the cart and escalate the profit.

With this help of Abandoned Cart Extension, you can easily set abandoned cart email facility for selected customer groups and store fronts.

abandoned cart email for magento 2

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code MAGE20%OFF (20% OFF)

Highlight features:

  • Added support to send abandoned cart emails to guest users New
  • Unlimited customized email templates
  • Unlimited abandoned cart rules
  • History of abandoned cart customers
  • Trigger emails with predefined scheduling
  • Discount codes to improve click-through ratio
  • Added product filter on Admin Email Queue New
  • Added Advance cart Reports(Export with XML, CSV) New
  • Added Email Template Preview Functionality
CompatibilityMagento CE 2.2.X  2.3.X and Magento EE 2.2.X – 2.3.X
Rating4.55/5 – 18 reviews
Guarantee45 days money back

6. Abandoned Cart Email | Magenest $149

By using this Magenest extension, you can easily enable store-owners to boost sales by sending automatic reminders to turn abandoned carts into orders.

abandoned cart email

Click to purchase | We’re contacting the provider for a discount code

Highlight features:

  • Unlimited campaigns with flexible rules
  • “Test Campaign” for each rule
  • Mandrill & Nexmo integration
  • Automatic coupons for different emails & SMS
  • Google Analytics Campaign integration
  • Blacklist and unsubscribers management
  • Report from cron-jobs
CompatibilityMagento CE, EE 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x
Rating5/5 – 14 reviews
Guarantee30 days money back

7. Abandoned Cart Emails Pro for Magento 2 | Aitoc $129

With this handy business tool, Abandoned Cart Emails Pro for Magento 2 by Aitoc turn hesitating visitors into buyers with a smart email marketing strategy.

You can decide how many emails should be sent and what exact offers and discounts they contain. Adjust campaigns on the go for even more flexibility.

abandoned cart emails pro for magenta 2

Click to purchase | We’re contacting the provider for a discount code

Highlight features:

  • Choose the delay period for the reminder email
  • Set any default or custom status to serve as the trigger for the abandoned cart email
  • Customize the look of your emails
  • Add discount codes to the emails
  • Manage abandoned cart campaigns in one place
  • Choose appropriate sender contact information
  • Watch campaign statistics on one page
  • Browse the full list of pending and sent notifications
  • Generate notification emails manually
  • Collect and reset statistics on your notification emails
CompatibilityCommunity 2.1.x – 2.3.x
Rating4.75/5 – 5 reviews
Guarantee45 days money back

8. Abandoned Cart Email Reminder for Magento 2 | Webkul $69

Using Abandoned Cart Email Reminder for Magento 2 module from Webkul, the admin can see the list of all the abandoned cart customers and send them a follow-up email for completing the checkout process.

abandoned cart email for magenta 2

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code wkmp10 (10% OFF)

Highlight features:

  • Admin can set cron to send the auto emails to the customers.
  • Admin can view the weekly, monthly and yearly abandoned cart report.
  • The admin can set the mail template and the content for auto email.
  • Admin can manually send the email to any customer.
CompatibilityMagento, 2.0.x , 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x
Rating5/5 – 1 review
Guarantee3-month support without extra cost

9. Abandoned Cart Email Extension for Magenton 2 | Magebees $69

Abandoned Cat Email Extension for Magento 2 is a reality for every business. With the Magento 2 abandoned cart email extension, you can stay on top of sales data, track abandoned carts, … The abandoned cart email extension is here to take your sales number to a new level!

abandoned cart email extension for magenta 2

Click to purchase | We’re contacting the provider for a discount code

Highlight features:

  • Track Abandoned Cart on your Website
  • Recover Lost Sales and Increase Orders
  • Communicate with Potential Customers easily
  • Set Criteria for Cart Abandonment
  • Customize Rules and Schedules for Retention Emails
  • Customize Email Templates
  • Manage Email Campaign Effectively than before
  • Set Google Analytics Parameters to Email Links
  • Create Discount Coupon Codes
CompatibilityMagento 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Rating5/5 – 13 reviews
Guarantee60 days money back

10. Magento 2 Abandoned Cart | Magesales $89

The last option, Magento 2 Abandoned Cart will allow sending emails to the customers to remind them about their stored items in the cart.

A coupon in the reminder will incentivize them and make them purchase the products leftover in the cart.

magneto 2 abandoned cart

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code SPECIAL10 (10% OFF)

Highlight features:

  • Turn abandoned carts into completed purchases.
  • Send automatic abandoned cart reminders to customers.
  • Allow customers to recover carts in one click.
  • Notify customers about abandoned carts via email
  • Customize your template email
  • Stop all the alerts if a customer makes a purchase
  • Send alerts to registered members or guests
  • Configure delay in sending emails in days, hours, minutes
  • Automatic integration of discount coupon in the promotion rule
  • Save all-time history of abandoned carts and alerts in your store.
  • Apply rule based on customer groups
  • Set product conditions for abandoned cart rules.
  • Multistore Supported
  • Multi-language Supported
  • 100% Open Source
CompatibilityMagento 2 CE 2.x.x , EE 2.x.x
Rating5/5 – 7 reviews
Guaranteenot given

Which Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email extensions are best for you?

There is only one answer to that question, it’s testing.

Whenever you think about taking action in online store, let’s take a look for these Top 10+ Abandoned Cart Email Extensions above!

If you want to add or remove an item in the Shipping per product extension list, feel free to submit your extension at Submit the form


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