Amazing tips to win customers through Product Pages in Magento 2


After successfully attracting people to visit your eCommerce website, lots of store-owners face the challenge of high exit rate: There’s nothing interesting to keep the buyers stay on the site. Your product page does not meet the expectation of customers. Today, let us show you how to maximize the potential of product pages in Magento 2.

The major benefits of personalizing product pages

The original product page of Magento 2 is fully functional, however, it does not contain the wow factor that captures the attention of customers. To trigger people’s curiosity, merchants need to take advantage of customizing their product pages. A custom page can bring enormous benefits to your business.  

An example of a Magento 2 product page

1. Create the best experience for customers

When customizing your product page, you are building your customers’ journey in your store. In terms of products and services, you know what is best for both parties. Showing a first-class front-end as well as simplifying buying steps is how you get new leads and thank loyal customers.  It will be a satisfying experience for customers to have a deeper insight into their desired items quickly and smartly. No doubt that they will come back for the next purchase. 

2. Differentiate your store with other competitors

Inevitably, you have hundreds of other stores sharing the same products as yours. How to be unique in the middle of an intense warzone where stores fight to win over potential customers? One of the tactics lies in the custom product pages.

Since you’re selling the same items, it’s crucial to make yourself pop out.  The indifferent product pages will quickly bore potential customers. “So what do you have to be the better one? It’s the same and bland!” – You never want to hear this comment from your visitors. So why not customize your product pages to show your own characteristics?

3. Improve SEO performance

Design your own product pages can also help you increase SEO (Search Engine Optimization) performance. Unique keywords set can boost the site rank and bring you closer to potential customers.

Many store-owners forget to optimize their URL or Meta description, which leads to failure in searching by users. With a stand-out product page, building a friendly SEO system to users and search engines is easy.

Optimizing custom product pages can help you with SEO ranking.

4. Boost revenue

With a custom product page, you can present the best version of your store as well as design simple steps for your customers to purchase items. These changes definitely rocket your sales, since you have fully optimized your product pages.

There’s a saying: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, but for eCommerce, your product pages are where the customers decide whether to be your store’s followers or not. Taking good care of your custom page is a fast route to increase your conversion rate. Presenting outstanding and qualified content will totally gain customers’ trust, and this is the moment when they decide to shop at your store.

Tips to customize an amazing product page!

So how to optimize product pages to win customers’ hearts? Here are some amazing ways to reach the most potential of your product page in M2.

1. Understand your market 

To create the most suitable design for your pages, first, you must know who you are selling to. Let’s draw a demographic about your potential leads, what they would like to find and see when they come to your store. For example, you cannot build a girly design for a men cologne website, it means you don’t understand your target. Knowing your audience also helps you build the right keywords system and generate appealing content.

According to Magento, to gain full awareness of your market, you should have the answer to these questions:

  • What problem(s) are your customers trying to solve?
  • What past solutions have (or haven’t) worked for them?
  • Where are your customers searching for solutions?
  • What terms are they using to search for solutions?
  • How does your product solve their specific want or need?
  • What makes it better than your competitor’s solutions?
  • What was the deciding factor(s) which made customers choose your product?
  • What positive things have past and current customers said about your product?

2. Keyword research

After knowing your customers, you can establish your own keyword system. Many sellers falsely focus on short keywords, such as “cupcake” or “birthday cake” for a bakery. In fact, customers usually search for more specific terms. If you don’t cover these fields, you may lose numerous potential leads.

The right keywords set equals the right customers’ target.

Finding the right keywords to target on product pages requires your concentration on each product to have a thorough analysis. It may take lots of time but the results are worth the wait. Using Google to re-check your chosen terms to evaluate its popularity and effectiveness. Product brands also play an important role in promoting your business. Stores should remember to include these brands in the product pages and keywords system so customers can easily find the exact product according to their needs. 

3. Follow SEO best practices

Store-owners frequently forget this factor; they simply think that when the web is running smoothly, their job is done. But owning an eCommerce business is not that simple. When you finish building the complete keywords system, doing SEO practices play a major role in increasing your rank and differentiating your product pages from other stores’ sites.

The page’s title tag and meta description should contain the main keywords. Google looks at both the title and meta description, so the availability of keywords is unforgettable. Creating engaging elements here will naturally guide visitors to click on your website. 

Including internal links to other pages of your store help customers explore more about you and your products. It draws a comprehensive picture for buyers and raises the chance that people will end up purchasing. This also another method to push your SEO ranking up. 

Although the product pages do not have many visible places to put some blocks of text, you should try on what you have left. This content is not only to describe the product on the page but also other major points such as value, support system, and special features. The overall idea of the products has been implemented in customers’ minds right before they actually click on the item. 

One thing to remember: Never copy the content from another store. Be authentic and original with your words so your product pages won’t be drowned in the middle of average pages.

4. Image and Video

Visual factors are the quickest things to catch the eye of your customers. Image and video are full of opportunities to improve the visibility of your product pages.

Customers want to see clear and appealing images of what they would likely buy. When it comes to shopping. pictures can describe your product more efficient than words. Presenting the products with different angles and with a zoom feature. Your conversion rate will see a positive shift when you take advantage of visualization. This is the same case with videos when they create a closer and actual display of what consumers may purchase.

A high-quality image or video can slow down the speed of your page, so remind yourself to fully optimize them to bring the best experience for visitors.

5. Description

Well, you cannot sell without a product description. However, to generate a fascinating detailed description is not an easy task. There’s something you should bear in mind when it comes to explaining your products:

  • Make it concise: No one wants to read a wall of text right at the first time they encounter the item
  • Include both a long explanation as well as a short summary
  • Consist of useful information, benefits and support service
  • Be authentic with your content

6. Review

If you don’t have any review on your product pages, you may lose the credibility of potential buyers. Why purchase from a shop without previous guests’ interactions? Is this a scam? To avoid these doubtful question, you should put a review section on the product pages. As stated by Google,81% of consumers go online to research before they actually buy anything. In the world of high technology, your product pages should have all the reliable information so customers can believe and happily buy from your store. 

7. CTA

CTA (Call-to-Action) is a new but effective method to beautify your product pages. There’re many options to choose: Banner, button, popup, etc. CTAs with a short message and catching visuals can be the wow factor to your site. You can display many key campaigns on the product pages through CTAs: Discount program, new arrival, special deals or promo code.

8. Store’s information and Live chat

To build a reputable brand, you should always be ready to give customers consultation and support. Your product pages should include a live chat so buyers can contact you when they need help.

The product pages also need to have your store’s basic information, such as email, location, and social media integration. In the society when Facebook or Instagram connects people in a blink of an eye, store-owners cannot ignore the linking between their stores and these platforms. 

Some consumers after thorough online research, decide to come to the brick-and-mortar shop to purchase the desired items. Your product pages should integrate with Google Maps to show the route to the physical store. One way to make this feature possible is by using the Magento 2 Store Locator by Magenest. Having the extension and other related products can help you know which is the closest store that has your wanted item. In this way, you can boost up your sales by having the best of both worlds: online and offline platforms.

Wrapping up

Based on the requirements of each store, you can customize a unique product page that represents your brand. However, after finishing the personalize page, you need to run a performance test. It’s important to know if your changes are fitting with your customers’ preference and the status of the industry. The product pages can be too colorful, too technical or sometimes, just simply too much. So it’s best to check whether this is the desired effective product page.

With Magento 2 users, this platform has many amazing features to offer, one of them is the full control in personalizing your product pages. Custom pages guarantee to bring more revenue, expand your brand’s influence and increase conversion rate. 

The article has given you some Do and Don’t in designing an irresistible product page. With these tips and recommendations, we hope you can optimize the Magento 2 product pages and win the heart of your customers.


