Top 10+ Best Force Customer Login for Magento 2 | Free & Premium | 2024 Updated

Magento 2 force login

Nowadays, to go through a page in a website, customers will meet a message “You need to login to continue”. This is one of the trending tool for store owners by using Force Customer Login for Magento 2 or Forced Customer Login to restrict the access of specific customers to some certain pages and information. Sales person can control the visit of customers and acquire the greater lead for marketing strategy.

When and How to restrict Page Access?

  • Categorize customers: logged-in and unlogged-in visitors

Since online websites have to control and manage their busy traffic. they find a tool that is effective to investigate is by customer accounts. Customers can leave their information, behavior and intention in their accounts so online stores will know how to serve them best.

For virtual services such as online courses, newspaper subscription, the Required Login is especially needed for allowing only the member to access data and resources which have been paid for.

  • Generate more leads:

According to Ken Demma (Adjunct Marketing Lecturer) :

65% of visitors were pleasure to share their behavior and information for more targeted marketing.

67% were willing to share their data if they have some form of benefit such as discount or coupons, vouchers.

Customer information is the treasure of every business so why not collect it and use it for more strategic marketing? Required Login extension can help you generate more leads by forcing visitors to sign up account on your websites. If they access to your resources, you can exchange with some promotion gifts as to thank to them.

  • Increase sales with appealing promotion and new products release

When customers sign in your page, you can redirect them to a certain page which can shown new product details, promotion, sales and so on to help them catch up. It is very effective to save time and effort when shopping.

Find more powerful Magento 2 extensions for amazing SITE MANAGEMENT!

ProviderProduct NamePriceHighlight featuresPromo CodeDetail Information
LandofcoderRequired Login for Magento 2$99.00
  • Restrict non-logged-in customer access
  • Enable ”Force Login” on specific or all pages
  • Apply Required Login to default pages
  • More details
  • DC10FAE | -10%
  • B2PLE15 | -15% (Buy 2)
  • B3PLE25 | -25% (Buy 3)
Apply Code
MageplazaRequired Login for Magento 2$79.00
  • Restrict access to login customers only
  • Set login requirement to any pages
  • Redirect customers to targeted pages
  • More details
  • WELCOME10 | -10%
Apply Code
BSS CommerceMagento 2 Force Login$79.00
  • Support “force login” function for specific pages and all the site
  • Enable/Disable the default Magento 2 customer registration link
  • Redirect users after logging in
  • More details
  • 10offPV | -10%
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MageAntsForce Login$59.00
  • Allows you to disable the frontend page of your website without logging in
  • You can set custom url for redirection after user login
  • Enable/Disable customer registration on Magento 2 websites
  • More details
  • mage_first_time | -5%
  • mageants10percentage| -10% (Buy 2)
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MeetanshiMagento 2 Force Login$39.00
  • Mandate login to access store pages.
  • Control the access of the store pages.
  • Display alert message for mandatory login.
  • More Details
  • LOC10 | -10%
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FmeextensionsForce Login$69.00
  • Set Force Logins For Users to Access Pages
  • Display Default Login or Custom Login Form
  • Enable Force Login on Specific Products, Categories & CMS pages
  • More details
  • lof | -20%
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BitexpertForce LoginFree
  • Force visitors to log or register before visiting your pages and catalog
  • Manage the whitelist rules by the GUI at the backend
  • Restrict rules to certain user groups at the backend
  • More details
UpdatingView more

Commerce Extensions

Magento 2 Force Login$49.99
  • Separately set force login on different pages
  • Support multi-domain websites
  • Enable/Disable module per stores
  • More details
UpdatingView more


Magento 2 Store Login Access$249.00
  • Allow/disallow registration for certain store views
  • Share registered accounts between stores
  • Protect your frontend with login form
  • More details
UpdatingView more


Magento 2 Store Restriction Pro$75.00
  • Enable/Disable the customer registration with a custom message
  • Provides Store Restriction of two types: Non-restricted and Restricted
  • Allow the functionality as per store
  • More details
UpdatingView more


Magento 2 Force Login$39.00
  • Force customer to login
  • Redirect user to a custom page after login
  • Restrict CMS/ Category Easily
  • Good for Membership/Premium Access Websites
  • More details
UpdatingView more

Here is the list of Top 9+ Best Magento 2 Force Login for Magento 2 according to some advanced criterias: price, features, rating, quality and so on. If you want to get more information, check the para below.

1/Required Login for Magento 2| Landofcoder $99

Magento 2 Force Customer Login is listed on the trending extension for online store nowadays. The main function is to hide store content and ask customer to log in if they want to access and view the detail page. This extension lets admin set non-visibility for categories or any cms pages with a custom message. When customer log in, they will be redirected to another page.

Another advancing feature is to allow/reject visitors to creat customer accounts. Which means that Magento 2 force login extension turns into Magento 2 force sign in quickly. Non-logged-in customers can be leaded to a registration/sign-in page which will help gather valuable customers data and build a win-win relationship between store owners and clients. In other words, if you disable creating account feature, only logged-in customers have ability to access your data. This function is very helpful when you have a promotion time and want to be visible for users who have owned accounts before.

Required Login for Magento 2

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code DC10FAE -10%

Highlight Features:

  • Restrict non-logged-in customer access
  • Enable ”Force Login” on specific or all pages
  • Apply Required Login to default pages
  • Apply Required Login to CMS pages
  • Apply Required Login to custom pages
  • Required Login with custom pages including strings
  • Required Login with custom pages excluding strings
  • Set destination page after customers log in
  • Redirect customers to targeted page after logging in
  • Display required-login notice on configured page
  • Allow/disable visitors to create customer accounts
  • Quickly enable/disable Required Login
  • Manage backlist page – Force Customer Login overview
  • Magento 2 high compatibility
CompatibilityMagento CE, EE – 2.3.x
Rating5/5 – 5 reviews
Guarantee30 days money back

Video tutorial:


2/Required Login for Magento 2| Mageplaza $79

Required Login by Mageplaza is the supportive login extension. It supports sellers to restrict the access of visitors to specific pages and set information visibility to registered users only. Store owners can trust the extension with the managing users and protecting store information function as its excellent quality.

Required Login for Magento 2

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code WELCOME10 -10%

Highlight features:

  •  Select default pages to apply Required Login 
  •  Select CMS Page to apply Required Login 
  •  Include Custom Page with specific strings to require login 
  •  Exclude Custom Page with specific string to freely access
  •  Select destination page after customers log in successfully
  • Enable/ Disable the extension 
  •  Enable/ Disable Create Account function
  •  Input Required-Login Message
  • The customers use their accounts to log in to view specific pages
  •  A new visitor will be required to sign up account which then is used to log in to view required-login pages
  •  Creating account then log in easily via email address
CompatibilityCE, EE 2.2.x, 2.3.x
Rating5/5 – 3 reviews
Guarantee60 days money back

3/Magento 2 Force Login| Bss Commerce $79

BSS Commerce creates a Magento 2 Force Login which extraordinary features in backend and frontend website. In the backend, it support “force login” for specific or whole page then choose the page which will leads customers after logging in. Thus admins can enable or disable visitors to log in your page flexibly. In the front end, admin can set a pop up message to notice customers that they have to sign in for some valuable information; however, they will have some beneficial vouchers for joining be one of your part.

Magento 2 Force Login

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code 10offPV -10%

Outstanding features:

  • Support “force login” function for specific pages and all the site
  • Enable/Disable the default Magento 2 customer registration link
  • Redirect users after logging in
Compatibility2.2.x – 2.3.4
Rating4.5/5 – 40 reviews
Guarantee30 days money back

4/Force Login| MageAnts $59

Force Login by MageAnts is named by its function which is to help store manager restrict the access of customer and the visibility of the pages on the website. You can manage the logged in customers then redirect them with an alert message to see a particular page. This extension is beneficial especially for those merchants serving only a specific group of users.

Force Login

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code mage_first_time -5%

Set of features:

  • Allows you to disable the frontend page of your website without logging in
  • You can set custom url for redirection after user login
  • Enable/Disable customer registration on Magento 2 websites
  • Admin can disable cms pages for guest user.
  • Admin can set custom error message for not accessible page.
  • Gives admin the power to disable the third-party extension pages
Compatibility2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Rating5/5 – 3 reviews
Guarantee30 days money back

5/Magento 2 Force Login| Meetanshi $39

To advance the force login feature in the Magento 2 default, Meetanshi Force Login has been developed to help admins control the various page access. They can set allow/reject customer to log in one specific page. By that way, they can easily find potential customers for their strategic marketing by their behavior and information while they are logging in.

Furthermore, Magento 2 Force Login guarantees to protect B2B stores’ data from competitors. Any information from your customers will not be release so that you can build your own marketing plan.

Magento 2 Force Login

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code LOC10 -10%

Key features:

  • Control who can access the store pages.
  • Enable or disable the default customer registration link in Magento 2.
  • Redirect the users after they are logged in to a particular page that is selected from the backend. This feature ensures that a customer can smoothly continue what he intended to do before login and was denied it.
  • Leverage customer database for marketing purpose.
  • Better order management for B2B stores.
CompatibilityMagento CE, EE 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x
Rating5/5 – 4 reviews
Guarantee30 days money back

6/Force Login| Fmeextensions $69

Control and manage your store pages effectively with Magento 2 Force Login extension to restrict the access of non-registered users. Admin can require customer to log in some specific pages and notify them through pop-up form in order to access the page. You can enable force login feature on Product Page, Category pages and any other CMS pages of your website. Especially, you can customize login form template, set its appearance time and enable Force Login on Cart and Checkout page.

Force Login

Click to purchase | Don’t forget to apply the code lof -20%

Powerful features:

  • Set Force Logins For Users to Access Pages
  • Display Default Login or Custom Login Form
  • Enable Force Login on Specific Products, Categories & CMS pages
  • Force Login on Checkout or Cart Page
  • Personalize Login Popup Template
  • Set Login Popup Appear Time in Seconds
Compatibility2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x
Rating5/5 – 3 reviews
Guarantee45 days money back

7/Force Login| Bitexpert Free

This extension provides an allowance to restrict which pages a visitor can see without being logged in. The list of visitable pages also easyly to managed via Force Login backend by defining url rules as well as the store. Any incoming guest that does not match an entry of the list will automatically be leaded to the login page.

Force Login

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  • Force your guest visitors to log in first (or register), before allowing them to visit your pages and catalog
  • Administration: Manage the whitelist rules by the GUI in the administration area
  • ACL: Restrict the administration of whitelist rules to certain backend user groups
  • Whitelisting: Define url rules (static + regular expressions) as pattern to define which pages guest visitors can visit without logging in first
  • Multistore-Support: Define if whitelist rules either apply globally or for specific stores
Compatibility2.0, 2.1, 2.2
Rating5/5 – 3 reviews
Guaranteenot given

8/Force Login| Commerce Extensions $49.99

Force Login developed by Commerceextensions allows to restrict users to log in for any or all of the possible pages that they can view. Any B2B based stores can use on multi-domain websites.

Force Login| Commerce Extensions

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Highlight features:

  • Ability to force users to log in when accessing cms pages/site search (mini and advanced) / search terms / contact us
  • Separately set force login on different pages
  • Support multi-domain websites
  • Enable/Disable module per stores
CompatibilityMagento CE 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2.x and Magento EE
Ratingnot given
Guarantee30 days money back

9/Magento 2 Store Login Access| Irotis $249

Irotis built Magento 2 require login with the desire to provide the best advanced access permission module for several store owners based on admin’s requirement. Admin can determine the specific pages which customers can see with or without logging in.

Magento 2 Store Login Access| Irotis

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Advanced features:

  • Allow/disallow registration for certain store views
  • Share registered accounts between stores
  • Protect your frontend with login form
  • Unhide specific pages and URLs
  • Manage store permissions per customer
Compatibility2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x
Rating5/5 – 3 reviews
Guarantee60 days money back

10/Magento 2 Store Restriction Pro| Magepsycho $75

Magento 2 Store Restriction by Magepsycho allows your Magento 2 store to restrict users from viewing all information on a site in multiple ways. If your customers want to access your information, they have to login with their account on that site. You can use a pop up message to notice when redirect them to registing page.

Magento 2 Store Restriction Pro| Magepsycho

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Outstanding features:

  • Integrate Magento 2 Customer Group Selector / Switcher extension
  • Enable/Disable the customer registration with a custom message
  • Provides Store Restriction of two types: Non-restricted and Restricted
  • Allow the functionality as per store
Compatibility2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Rating5/5 – 6 reviews
Guanrantee30 days money back

11/Magento 2 Force Login| Magecomp $39

Magento 2 Force Login Extension allows you to fulfill this requirement, with the help of the Customer Force Sign-in Extension the owner of the store will enhance the ability to restrict the customers on some pages without being logged in. Store owners can force customers to login bypassing the message for non-availability. It allows the store owner to make a selection from the backend to restrict one or more categories and pages. Keep your store confidential from the B2B business by making it display to the members only.

force to log in
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Outstanding features:

  • Force login for the customers
  • Users directly redirect to the login custom page.
  • Easy redirection of CMS/ Category Pages
  • Beneficial for Membership/Premium access website
Compatibility2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Rating5/5 – 9 reviews
Guanrantee30 days money back

Here are all Top 10+ Best Magento 2 Force Login you should get to improve for your Online Store. In case, you would like to other Magento 2 Extensions, please view m

If you want to add or remove an item in this list, feel free to submit your extension at Submit form.

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