Magento 2 Tutorial: Theme Update


In this tutorial, we are presenting you the way to update Magento 2 theme.

I. Proper preparation for update:

Before updating magento 2 theme, we need to have a well preparation including 4 small steps below:

  1. We suggest duplicating your live store on a development store and trying to update Venustheme version on it in advance.
  2. Backup database of your site: Go to admin > System > Backup > Backup Database, then input file name and submit it.
  3.  Backup your modified files of the theme and extensions: app/code/Ves/ and app/design/frontend/Venustheme
  4. Disable all cache related section that you have in your magento.

II. Detailed process for Theme File Updating:

After the preparation stage, now are you willing to update to last version of theme files?

Here is the best part:

In this tutorial, we will use the to update the new version for the site.

Step 1: Download latest theme package on our site or on Then decompress the package on your PC.

 Step 2: Decompress the file “Theme Files/magento 2.1.0/” – in the file we stored theme files, theme’s extensions files, sample theme media files.

 Step 3: Upload the files in which you just decompressed into the webroot folder in your site (it will override the app/ and pub/ folders in your site).

 Step 4: Open SSH Terminal of your site, then run there commands:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

php bin/magento cache:clean

But there’s a catch:
Sometimes your site is broken, after run this command, it’s because of you ran this command with the incorrect user. If your site was broken, it’s very important to set the file’s permissions and ownership correctly, after run this command line. You can refer this command chown -R : .
Typical examples:

chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/magento2/venustheme
chown -R www-data:www-data /home/domain/public_html

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