10+ Magento 2.2 Requirements | Installation Preparation (New Release)

Magento 2.2 Requirements
Magento 2 extension premium

You have the intention of updating Magento 2.2 but haven’t got any idea where to start? Well, the very first thing to bear in mind is to make sure your system meets all Magento 2.2 requirements. Adopt the following criteria, then you are right on track!

Operating systems (Linux x86-64)

One of the most crucial Magento 2.2 requirements is the operating system. Linux distributions such as RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, and so on are considered working well on with Magento 2.2.

Memory requirement

Magento 2 requirements

In order to upgrade Magento applications and extensions, it takes you up to 2GB of RAM. So, make sure your system has at least 2GB available, or an upgrade failure may be expected. You can expand your memory space by using a swap file.

Composer (latest stable version)

If you are developers of Magento extensions or the ones who want to contribute to Magento 2 codebase, an updated composer is a must-have.

Web servers

Magento 2 requirements

It is required to update Apache version 2.2 or 2.4. Plus, to make it possible for the server to perform URL rewriting, the Apache mod_rewrite module must be enabled.


Magento 2 requirementsMySQL should be updated to version 5.7 and the former ones will not be supported.

Magento is also compatible with MySQL NDB Cluster 7.4.*, MariaDB 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, Percona 5.7 and other binary compatible MySQL technologies.

Download Link

MySQL 5.7.19 for Windows x86, 32-bit

MySQL 5.7.19 for Windows x86, 64-bit



Magento 2 requirements

Another factor of Magento 2.2 requirements is that only PHP 7.1 is supported. You can check the download link below to update PHP 7.1 versions.

Download Link

  • PHP 7.1 (7.1.9)




  • PHP 7.1 (7.1.10)

Download Source Code [25.47MB]

  • VC14 x86 Non Thread Safe


Debug Pack

  • VC14 x86 Thread Safe


Debug Pack

  • VC14 x64 Non Thread Safe


Debug Pack

  • VC14 x64 Thread Safe


Debug Pack

Required PHP extensions

bc-math (Enterprise Edition Only)




gd, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both















PHP OPcache

For the best performance, it is essential to verify the PHP. The OPcache is enabled in many PHP distributions.

PHP settings

In addition, some particular PHP configuration settings need carrying out to avoid common problems when using Magento. These include memory limit, system time zone, always_populate_raw_post_data, Disable asp_tags, enable opcache.save_comments,


Magento 2 requirements

A valid security certificate is required for HTTPS.

Self-signed SSL certificates are not supported.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) requirement

Both PayPal and repo.magento.com require TLS 1.1 or later

Mail server

Magento 2 requirements

Magento 2.2 is compatible with Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) or an SMTP server

Supported Browsers

Magento 2 requirements

  • Internet Explorer 11 or later, Microsoft Edge, major version earlier
  • Firefox latest, major version earlier (any operating system)
  • Chrome latest, major version earlier (any operating system)
  • Safari latest, major version earlier (Mac OS)
  • Safari Mobile for iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPad with Retina Display (iOS 7 or later), for desktop storefront
  • Safari Mobile for iPhone 4 or later; iOS 7 or later, for mobile storefront
  • Chrome for mobile major version earlier (Android 4 or later) for mobile storefront

Besides, Magento can use the following technologies:

  • Redis version 3.2 (compatible with 2.4+) for page caching and session storage
  • Varnish version 4.x or 5.0
  • memcached latest stable version for session storage with either Memcache or Memcached PHP extensions (latest stable version)
  • Magento Commerce only
  • Elasticsearch version 2.x
  • RabbitMQ 3.5.x (compatible with 2.0 and later)
  • Three master databases

Finally, these two is optional but recommended.

  • 2.0 or later (development environments only; can have an adverse effect on performance)
  • PHPUnit (as a command-line tool) 4.1.0

After fulfilling all the Magento 2.2 requirements above, you are good to go for downloading and installing Magento 2.2. You can check quick download and tutorial link below:

Magento 2.2.0 Community Edition


For newbies, follow this detailed tutorial to install magento 2.2 manually and successfully.

How to Install Magento 2.2 Manually

Themes and extensions recommendation

When you are done with installing Magento 2.2, check the following recommendation for premium themes and extensions which can polish your online store in a flash.

First, this collection of 54+ Magento 2.2 theme and extension are very well crafted to support whatever your store need for a speedy and smooth performance. A mind-blowing list is definitely worth checking out. Demo links are included for your closer look.

upgrade magento 2.2 extensionIn case, you just want to try free themes first. Then, you can check the list below, you will be awestruck with what you can get. Regardless of design, performance, or flexibility, they will go far beyond your expectation for free themes.

Magento 2 Free Theme responsive

Hope you will find everything you need from this post and good luck with Magento 2.2!

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