A To Z Tutorial: How To Use Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension Smartly

A To Z Tutorial: How To Use Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension Smartly

If you are interested in Magento 2 Recommended Products, you will know awesome features the extension provides. Magento 2 product recommendation extension can be an effective marketing strategy that drives customers’ attention to related products with less disturbance. By this way, store owners can stimulate customers’ interest in up-selling, cross-selling and similar products, then motivate conversion rate and boost sales tactfully. To make use of full effects, you should not miss out the best way to use recommended products extension for your Magento 2 store. Comprehending that, we provide you this blog.

Best Guide To Use Magento 2 Recommended Products

To help you follow the details easily, we’ll give you the table of content

    1. How to create recommended product sliders
    2. How to create product page tabs for recommended products
    3. How to create recommendations rules
    4. How to use widget tabs for product recommendation
    5. Suggest top 5 best Magento 2 Product Recommendation extensions 2019

Before using any Magento 2 module, you should purchase and install it already in your Magento 2 online store. For this product recommendation extension for Magento 2, if you have not installed it yet or didn’t set it up sucessfully, you can take some time to see this video guide for installation.

>> Quick Steps To Install Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension

After installing Mageto 2 recommendation extension, let’s start to use the module in a correct and effective way.

In the backend, you should come to Manage Product Silders from Ecomteck. A list of existing recommended product silders will be shown.

how to create product sliders in Magento 2 Recommended Product

You can create unlimited sliders and edit any silder you want. Click on Create New Slider to add a new one.

how to create and edit product silders with Magento 2 Recommended Products

The admin will need to complete three sections of product silder information for a new silder. First, let’s set Slider. Do general settings with information of the new product silder.

how to set silder general information in Magento 2 auto recommendation extension
how to use: choose silder location with Magento 2 Recommended Products
  • Title: set the name of silder
  • Slider status: set enabled/disable
  • Store View: choose store view to display slider
  • Description: add a description (it’s not visible on the frontend)
  • Slider type: select a silder type (new products, best seller products, most viewed products, on sale products, featured products, related products, cross sell products)
  • Slider Location: display silder on home page, all page, category page, product page, cart, checkout and customer page, at any position
  • Products number: set the number of products that can be displayed in a slider (max 20 products)
  • Display title: choose yes/no
  • Display price: choose yes/no
  • Display cart: choose yes/no
  • Display wishlist: choose yes/no
  • Display compare: choose yes/no
  • Enable swatches: choose yes/no
  • Enable ajax add to cart: choose yes/no
  • Items in grid: choose yes/no

Magento 2 auto related products extension also provides you Advanced Silder Options to make your recommended product silders more ultimate.

advanced silder options in Recommended Products Extension for Magento 2
how to set different display sizes with Magento 2 Recommended Products

There are four sections the admin need to set: Slider settings, Large display settings, Medium display settings and Small display settings. For each element, you can set silders with a proper number.

The last part of a product silder information is Slider Products. In the list of products, you need to select which one will be displayed in this silder.

how to choose products for sliders display with Magento 2 Recommended Products

The number of products shown in a product silder is limited so please make a wise decision. Don’t forget to save your creation!

>> Video Tutorial For Reference

2. How To Create Product Page Tabs

To create product page tabs with Magento 2 automatic related products extension, you should go to Product Page Tabs in Ecomteck.

product page tabs in Magento 2 Recommended Products module

The admin are allowed to add a new product tab, edit or delete any available tabs created before.

how to add and manage product page tabs Magento 2 Recommended Products

To create product tabs, firstly, click on Add New Tab. Then, let’s fill in some information for the product tab.

how to use tab information with Magento 2 auto Recommended Products
  • Title: add a name for product tab
  • Alias: name the alias
  • Block Type: select a block type (additional information, auto related products, cms static block, custom clock, html content, product description, product slider, product attribute, product reviews, related products, we also recommend)
  • Block
  • Sort Orrder: add the number
  • Status: enabled/disabled
  • Store View: choose to show product tab

Next, let complete product tab creation by filling in Widget Options. Enter your content for this tab and it will be shown on the frontend.

how to use widget options in Magento 2 Recommended Product Extension

>> Video Tutorial For Reference

3. How To Create Recommendations Rules

Magento 2 personalized recommendation extension allows you to set cross-selling, up-selling and alternative products to be shown off with rules. The admin can create related products rules in short time. Fistly, in the backend, go to Recommendation Rules in Ecomteck.

recommendation rules in Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension

Here, you can view existing rules with details such as name, time, applided products, status. To create a new recommendation rule, click on Add Rule.

how to add a new recommendation rule with Magento 2 Related product recommendation

Let’s start with Rule Information. In this section, you need to enter general information for the recommendation rule.

how to set rule information with Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension
  • Rule name: set the name to identify
  • Priority: add a suitable number
  • Status: set active/inactive
  • Apply to: choose product type the rule will apply to (related products, cross-sells, up-sells)
  • From/To: set the duration
  • Result limit: enter a number (maximum product number the rule can apply to is 20)

According conditions the admin set, matching items will be displayed depending on the same category, specific brand and different-level price with selected products.

how to use: set products to match with Magento 2 Recommended Products
how to use: set products to display with Magento 2 product recommendation extension

Finally, remember to save your all settings!

>> Video Tutorial For Reference

4. How To Use Widget Tabs For Product Recommendation

Magento 2 extension for personalized product recommendations also allows you to create multiple widget tabs. Please go to Ecomteck -> Widget Tabs. Then click on Add New Tab to start a new widget tab creation.

Widget tabs in Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension
how to add a new recommendation widget tab with Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension

Like creating a new product tab, in this process, you also need to complete Tab Information and Widget Options.

enter general information of a widget tab with Magento 2 auto related products extension
how to set widget options with Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension

After enter all required information, you should save and continue to edit. Now, you can create a product tab from this widget tab. Do the same steps until to Widget Options, you need to insert the widget you has created. For example, we created a widget with the name ‘Note‘. We will need to select the widget type ‘Easytabs’, choose the created widget option and the layout ‘Expanded tabs’. Then, click on ‘Insert Widget‘ and save all your work.

how to insert widget to product tab in Magento 2 Recommended Products

Now, we’ll check the result.

result of inserting widget tab to product tab in Magento 2 Products Recommendation

>> Video Tutorial For Reference

For configuration of Magento 2 recommended products, you can refer this video guide to carry out the settings with ease.

5. Top 5 Best Magento 2 Product Recommendation Extensions 2019

We also would like to recommend you 5 best Magento 2 recommended products extensions you can consider for your website.

  1. Landofcoder Magento 2 Recommended Products | $189
Best Magento 2 Recommended Products Extension

Magento 2 Recommended Products

Frontend DemoBackend Demo(productrecomendation/landofcoder1)

Outstanding Features:

  • [HOT] Arrage recommended products by adding blocks
  • [HOT] Suggest related items on shopping cart, category, product page & custom positions
  • [HOT] Show off up-selling, cross-selling & similar products on product page
  • Auto recommend related products once adding items into cart
  • Offer recommendations based on personal behaviors (views, shares or purchases)
  • Perfect mobile responsive interface
  • [COMING] Quick search with auto recommend related products
  • Ease of manage related product log & relation
  • Regulate items display professionally
  • Quickly set recommendation rules
  • Create & manage recommendation sliders effortlessly
  • Compatible with magento 20.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.0, 2.3.x

2. Amasty Automatic Related Products for Magento 2 | $249

Outstanding Features:

  • Auto offer related products, up-sells and cross-sells by rules
  • Show recommended items on category, product & shopping cart pages, and custom positions
  • Suggest related products from views or purchases
  • Promote bundle packs of products with discount
  • Optimize mobile responsive interface for shopping experience
  • Benefit from GraphQL compatibility

3. Mageplaza Automatic Related Products for Magento 2 | $199

Outstanding Features:

  • Apply catalog product rules on product page, category page & shopping cart page
  • Enable to create cross-sell, up-sell, daily deals, new products, featured products, random products & best sellers blocks
  • Customize pre-made rules in backend easily
  • Assess rules performance with A/B testing
  • Regular data report
  • Show blocks in 30 positions or custom locations
  • Ajax loading support

4. Adheadworks Automatic Related Products for Magento 2 | $299

Outstanding Features:

  • Create unlimited recommendation rules
  • Trigger related products by specific conditions
  • Set block layout & position in a page
  • Fully control the display of related products
  • Search & filter products by bestsellers, top-rated, date,…

5. Anowave Magento 2 Mini Cart Recommended Products | €49.90

Outstanding Features:

  • Create & display recommended, related products list in mini cart
  • Pick random products from catalogue
  • Pick products from predefined list
  • Pick related products to the cart
  • Display sticky products in “WE RECOMMEND ALSO” section in mini cart
  • List related & recommended products in mini cart
  • Perfect for Magento 2 themes with mini cart

Explore more details of comparison at: 10+ Best Magento 2 Recommended Products Extensions in 2018 | Free & Premium

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