Magento 2.2 Tutorial: How to Import Product?

Import Product magento 2.2

How to Import Product Magento 2.2.

Magento 2.2 has recently been released; however, you may not know much about it, undoubtedly, such as How to Install it or Its requirements. In this tutorial, we will present you a new topic: How to Import Product Magento 2.2.

To import product magento 2.2, You need to follow the 4 main steps below:

Step 1: Go to System > Data Transfer > Import

import product magento 2.2

Step 2: Select Products, then click on “Download Sample File”.

Delete last two rows from the file (shipment_type empty error otherwise).

Step 3: Import the sample file.

Step 4: Go to Catalog > Products, click on one of the imported products.

The last commission is to Save the product.

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