With all of the designers and the web, our testimonial becomes more impressive. But among the Magento review extensions, you can realize our Magento 2 Testimonials Module. Because it is on top of the result page. That is our happiness and pride. In order to bring to you the entire strong feature in this extension, our blog will demonstrate like that.
Firstly, the strong benefits bring that having wide ranges of modern styles. So you can easily choose one of these for own your store.
Secondly, you can freely upload any images and avatars. Besides, you can see the flexible position, drag, and drop with Owl carousel on Magento 2 Testimonials Module.
With star Rating & Social Integrated, you can showcase testimonials more attractively. Such as Star Rating, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Website, Youtube, Vimeo.
Thirdly, this Magento 2 Review Extension support different store view with different languages for translation:
Besides, a front popup” submit your testimonial” helps you upload easily images and avatars. It makes you different from others. You can show viewers comments in a twinkle.
Fourthly, you can place in any position. Wherever you want to put, it depends on your choice to make it more exciting. Easily add your testimonials block to any position on your Magento site with the support of the widget.
For the above reason, have you been impressed with our Magento 2 Testimonials Module yet? Fast click to take it for your site! I bet you are satisfied when you use this extension. It will bring to you a lot of amazing about our extension.
Some Highlight Features Magento 2 Testimonials Module:
- Display testimonials in 16 premade styles
- Show star rating & social network
- Work well with Rich Snippets
- Submit testimonial on the frontend (direct form, popup)
- Place testimonials in any position
- Upload image & avatar for each testimonial
- Avoid spam by ReCaptcha System/ Google Captcha
- Add testimonials on multiple stores
- Show testimonials widget by Owl Carousel
- Add testimonial widgets, filter by categories
- Show testimonials on Related Product
- Choose multiple categories for each testimonial
- Show relevant schema for a rating on Google Search Engine
Compatibility: Magento CE & EE 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x
We are welcome you to our website and view more others extension:
Frontend Demo Backend Demo (testimonials/landofcoder1)
- Magento 2 Testimonials Extension: How To Custom Style
- How To Install Magento 2 Testimonials Extension
- Magento 2 Testimonials: How to use testimonial forms
- Magento 2 Testimonials Extension: How To Use Testimonials Extension
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