Order Tracking For Magento 2 Store: Let customer track order info in real-time on any devices


During shipping process, your customers are often concerned because they had already paid but not received their purchased product yet. Hence, in order to reduce your customer’s worry we have create magento 2 order tracking extension. This extension allows your customers to track all necessary order info in real-time on any kind of devices. As you can see, by allowing to track order status, your customer’s worry will be reduce as well as your site’s incredibility will be enhance significantly.

Magento 2 Order Tracking Extension

Outstanding Features:

  • Track order information without login
  • Track order summary on the front end
  • Place ‘order tracking’ widget on anywhere
  • Mobile & tablet optimized
  • Add a link for tracking on main-menu & top link
  • All Magento product types are supported
  • Display custom messages if orders are not found
  • Reorder in few seconds without login
  • Compatible with Magento 2.3.x

Details Live Demo

Tracking order information Without Login


In order to make tracking process become fast and easier, magento 2 tracking order extension allows your customers to track order status without login. You customer just need their email address and order ID to access their all order information

After login sucessfully, your customers can see all order information such as: status, shipping Status, payment method, order products, date & Time

Especially, your customer can find it easy to track order status fast on smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop. On the era of mobile shopping, this is necessary for your ecommerce site, right?

Well Display & Easy To Config

You can add order link available in the most visible place such as main-menu and top link. That helps your customers find it easier.

Besides, our customers can reorder without login. On your order tracking form, there will be a reorder link. Then, your customers to reorder fast without login or any requirements. This will help increase conversion rate by supporting, right?
Also, in case your customers can not find their order, you can show your own custom messages to reduce their concern and increase their trust in your site.

Video Tutorials

  • Magento 2 Order Tracking: How To add widget

  • Magento 2 Order Tracking Video Tutorials

Magento 2 Order Tracking Pro

We also would like to introduce Magento 2 Order Tracking Pro as one of the best tools that allow customers to track their order details quickly on any device. This pro version will include many more advanced features than the basic one.

  • Easily track Order, Invoice & Shipment info
  • Track order status & print order directly
  • Send order details to customers’ email
  • Attach invoice PDF file to email
  • Customer can send order info to other email address
  • Generate order QR codes to check order status
  • Show shipment tracking link and tracking code
  • Get track code instantly
  • Free installation (value $55)
  • Compatible with Magento 2.3.x

User Guides:

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