Magento 2 Extensions Monthly Updates – December 2021

Magento 2 Extensions Monthly Updates – December 2021

The New Year is around the corner, and there are only a few days to say goodbye 2021. Let’s take a tour look at what we have been working on Magento 2 Extensions Monthly Updates – December 2021. A lot of extensions and modules related to the marketplace have been updated this month.

Let’s look back together, and you won’t miss any new updates!

I. Magento 2 Split Order Marketplace Add-on

New Updates

  • Compatible with PayPal express payment
  • Support refund order

II. Magento 2 Table Rate shipping

New Updates

  • Fix PHP stan issues

III. Magento 2 Marketplace Seller Invoice

New Updates

  • Allow the seller to export invoice PDF on order view and invoice view

IV. Magento 2 Marketplace Extension (Basic + Pro + EE)

New Updates

  • Fix issues with credit memo
  • Support mobile phone validator when registering new seller
  • Fix some issues

IV. How To Get The Updates

Please log in, and go to My Downloadable Product to download the updated extensions in your account.

If you have any questions regarding module updates, please submit a ticket here:, and we’ll help you out.

Let’s look forward to our upcoming projects in 2022.

Thank you and stay safe!

Landofcoder Magento Extensions


