How to Uninstall and Remove Magento2 Extension


Depending on the installation method, you need to uninstall or disable magento 2 extension manually or via composer. Both methods are explained below.

A. Manual Uninstallation

uninstall and disable magento 2 module

Step 1: Connect via SSH to your magento installation and execute below commands:

  • php bin/magento module:disable <ExtensionProvider_ExtensionName> –clear-static-content
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Step 2: Remove extension files

  • cd app/code/<ExtensionProvider>/
  • rm -rf <ExtensionName>

Note: If you are using more extensions from the same provider make sure not to remove the shared extension, most providers use a shared extension or dependency pack as a base for all their extensions.

Example: Let assume you are using WeltPixel OWL Carousel Extension and you want to uninstall it and remove all associated files:

  • php bin/magento module:disable WeltPixel_OwlCarouselSlider –clear-static-content
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • cd app/code/WeltPixel/
  • rm -rf OwlCarouselSlider

Important: If you are using other WeltPixel extensions make sure not to remove the ‘Backend’ shared extension as it is used by the rest of WeltPixel installed extensions. If you do not have any other WeltPixel extensions it is safe to uninstall and remove also the ‘Backend’ extension.

B. Via Composer Uninstallation

Step 1: Connect via SSH to your magneto installation and execute below commands:

  • php bin/magento module:disable <ExtensionProvider_ExtensionName> –clear-static-content
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • composer remove VendorName/VendorExtensionRepository

Note 1: you can find the exact match for ExtensionProvider and ExtensionName in composer.json file associated with the extension.

Note 2: you can find the exact match for VendorName and VendorExtension in composer.json file associated with the extension.or under your Magento installation/com/vendor/<VendorName>/<VendorExtension>

Note 3: You may be asked for composer username and password when uninstalling, you will be able to find them under var/composer_home/auth.json

Example: Let assume you are using WeltPixel OWL Carousel Extension and you want to uninstall it and remove all associated files. The first thing you should disable this extension, run the setup upgrade and finally remove the files via composer:

  • php bin/magento module:disable WeltPixel_OwlCarouselSlider –clear-static-content
  • composer remove weltpixel/m2-weltpixel-owl-carousel-slider
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Important: If you are using other WeltPixel extensions make sure not to disable the ‘Backend’ shared extension as it is used by the rest of WeltPixel installed extensions. If you do not have any other WeltPixel extensions it is safe to uninstall and remove also the ‘Backend’ extension.

Other Magento 2 Extensions you may prefer:

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