How to enable/disable customer login redirect Magento 2

disable customer login redirect magento 2

In this tutorial, I will show you how to customize Magento 2 customer login redirect, particularly enable and disable customer login redirect in Magento 2

When your customers log into their account. It is automatically redirected to the account dashboard by default to manage the account settings, check orders, etc.

To customize Magento 2 customer login redirect, you can enable or disable it.

In case you disable this login redirect, your customer will stay on the current page.

In order to enable or disable login redirect in Magento 2, please follow these steps.

1. Please go the admin panel > Store > Configuration

customize Magento 2 customer login redirect

2. In the configuration > Open ” Customers” tab > ” Customer Configuration”.

customize Magento 2 customer login redirect
3. Then open ” Login Option” > Uncheck ” Use system value” box > Choose Yes/ No

customize magento 2 customer login redirect 4. Press “Save Config” button in the top right to save new changes.

customize Magento 2 customer login redirect

Please don’t forget to clear cache by going to ” cache management” > select all > refresh > submit

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