How to Maximize the Customer Loyalty with Personalized Post-Purchase Emails?

Post-Purchase Emails

This is 2024 and the customers have become more sassy to handle than ever. And happy customers are the backbone of any thriving online business especially if we talk about e-commerce industry then PrestaShop is leading nowadays. Post-purchase emails are a way to keep customers engaged and hooked beyond the checkout. This can not only enrich your relationship with the customer but also help you increase customer lifetime value.

Everybody loves attention and when you give it the right way and at the right time, it pays you back thousands of folds. Post Purchase Personalized emails do the same for your store and customers. Hitting them up with a casual yet personalized email like: “Hey we appreciate your business. Your order is en route and while we get on that, you might want to check out complimentary products to what you already purchased” is a way to go about it.

And I kid you not, this high-five approach actually works! Studies by Campaign Monitor show that personalized emails can see increases of up to 76% in open rates and 14% in click-through rates compared to generic blasts. That’s a win-win for both you and your customers so why not embrace it?

I. What are Post-Purchase Emails?

Post-purchase emails are those that are sent after a customer has completed their purchase. Post-purchase emails can include transactional emails (order confirmations, return request updates, etc) and marketing emails (upsells, loyalty program promotion, etc).

The purpose of post-purchase emails is to keep customers engaged and informed after checkout and to continue the customer relationship. Many CMS offers plugins for this purpose but being an effective worker and having experience in PrestaShop development I will say you should develop your email strategies by your selves and design attractive templates by your own.  

Denifition of Post-Purchase Emails
Denifition of Post-Purchase Emails

II. Personalization Has Always Won the Game And the Hearts

Personalization in email marketing simply means writing your message to each individual customer that shows concern. This could be anything from addressing them by name to referencing their recent purchase history, whatever that shows them you put effort into it. But why does it matter so much when it comes to post-purchase emails?

Because let’s face it, generic emails can feel like a robot wrote them or maybe you troubled chatgpt for that. 

Personalized emails show your customers you actually care and are watching them. These emails create a connection, making them feel valued and seen, and more likely to engage with your brand. Think of it as the difference between a mass-produced greeting card and a handwritten note – the personal touch goes a long way, it always has!

You might wonder if it’s not that big of a deal, but we have data to prove our point. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, personalization can boost sales by up to 10% and increase conversion rates by as much as 80%. That’s some serious sales number to worry about that your competitors might be availing right now!

Now personalization is not that hard, you can use a customer’s name, reference their recent purchase, or anything that shows you know about them. Take this for example, if someone bought a running watch, you could send them a follow-up email with training tips or recommendations on running apparel.

III. How and Why to Build Your Post-Purchase Personalized Email Sequence?

How to create a post-purchase email to win the customers we have been discussing? That’s the reason I am here for today. 

Know that the email you are writing has a purpose, to keep your customers engaged and keep hearing from you so as not to forget about you or your brand! 

Here are some key types of emails you can include in your sequence:

  1. Order Confirmation: This is the “welcome aboard” email, thanking the customer for their purchase and providing them with important order details like tracking information.
  2. Thank You Email: A warm thank you goes a long way! This email can also include product care tips or a special offer for their next purchase.
  3. Shipping Notification: Let your customers know their goodies are on their way! This can be a simple email with a tracking link or include a fun “get ready to be amazed” message to build anticipation.
  4. Product Follow-up: A few days after receiving their purchase, check in with your customer. Ask if they have any questions or offer helpful resources related to their product.
  5. Review Request: Positive reviews are gold for your online store! This email asks your customer to share their feedback and incentivizes them with a discount or loyalty points.
  6. Loyalty Program Promotion: If you have a loyalty program, this email reminds customers about its benefits and encourages them to join.

Each of these emails can be personalized to make a bigger impact. Here’s how:

  • Order Confirmation: Include the customer’s name, order details, and a “We’re excited you chose us!” message.
  • Thank You Email: Thank the customer by name, mention their specific purchase, and offer “caring tips to get the most out of your new Product”.
  • Shipping Notification: Personalize the subject line with “Customer Name, your “Product” adventure is about to begin!”.
  • Product Follow-up: Ask if they have any questions about “Customer Name, loving your new Purchase?”
  • Review Request: Ask them to leave a review regarding their new purchase.
Build Your Post-Purchase Personalized Email
Build Your Post-Purchase Personalized Email

IV. Personalization Strategies for Different Customer Segments

Personalization is powerful, but it’s even more effective when you divide and segment your customer base. Imagine sending the same email to someone who just made their first purchase compared to a loyal customer who buys from you regularly. It wouldn’t feel very personal, would it?

Here’s where segmentation comes in. You have to divide your customers into groups based on shared characteristics; you can devise your post-purchase emails to be relatable with each group. Here are some segmentation strategies to consider:

  • Purchase History:
    • New Customers: Welcome them with a warm message and offer a discount on their next purchase.
    • Returning Customers: Thank them for their continued loyalty and highlight new products they might be interested in based on their past purchases.
    • High-Value Customers: Show them extra appreciation with exclusive offers and early access to new products.
  • Demographics: Tailor content based on age group, location, or gender (if relevant to your products).
  • Interests: Use browsing behavior to recommend products related to their interests.

Here’s an example: Let’s say you sell makeup. A new customer who bought a lipstick could receive a personalized email with tips on applying lipstick and recommendations for other lip products. On the other hand, a high-value customer who frequently buys makeup could receive an email about an exclusive early access sale for a new eye shadow palette.

By segmenting your audience and personalizing your emails accordingly, you create a more relevant and engaging experience for each customer, ultimately strengthening those valuable relationships.

Personalized Post-Purchase Emails
Personalized Post-Purchase Emails

V. Beyond Personalization: Optimizing Your Post-Purchase Emails

Personalization is a game-changer, but it’s not the only factor that matters. Here are some additional tips to optimize your post-purchase emails for maximum impact:

  • A/B Testing: Don’t be afraid to experiment! Test different subject lines, calls to action, and email content to see what resonates best with your audience. Data-driven insights will help you refine your emails for the best results (check out services like Mail chimp or Constant Contact for A/B testing features).
  • Clear & Concise Copywriting: Keep your emails short, sweet, and to the point. People are busy, so get your message across quickly and efficiently.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: A significant portion of emails are opened on mobile devices. Ensure your emails are optimized for mobile viewing to maintain a seamless customer experience (most email marketing platforms offer mobile-responsive templates).

VI. Conclusion: Building Lasting Customer Relationships

Personalized post-purchase email sequences if implemented correctly, you’re actually investing in the future of your e-commerce business. These emails foster customer loyalty, encourage repeat business, and ultimately fuel long-term success. Personalization is about building relationships, not just selling products; you’ll have a loyal customer base.

Ready to send post-purchase email? Do your proper and thorough research, explore the available email marketing platforms and start writing personalized email sequences that build and nurture customer relationships and aid you in driving long-term success for your business.

Go Personal or Go Home!


