Magento 2 Extensions Monthly Updates – September 2021

Magento 2 Extensions Monthly Updates – September 2021
SEPTEMBER – a month of wonderful weather, the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep, and Autumn was awakened.

Dear customers!

In the first words, we are grateful for your reaching out and purchasing our modules. September is already behind us, which means that all e-commerce is preparing for the craziest time of the year – the season of sales.

In September, we released 50+ updated extensions including 7+ big updates for Marketplace extension’s core code as well as its add-ons, such as Flat Rate Shipping, Table Rate Shipping, Multi Shipping, Split Cart, Delivery Slots, and other Magento 2 Extensions such as Hide Price extension, Seller Flat Rate Shipping, Mega Menu Extension, Customer membership extension, etc.

Let’s take a journey with us to look back at what Landofcoder team has been working on Magento 2 Extensions Monthly Updates – September 2021.

I. Magento 2 Marketplace Extension

1.1. [NEW RELEASE] ElasticSuite Seller search – Semtember 23, 2021

This module helps to connect between ElasticSuite search extension and Landofcoder’s Magento 2 Marketplace extension.

It allows to index Magento 2 Marketplace sellers into the search engine and display them into the autocomplete results, and also on the search result page.

1.2. Magento 2 Marketplace Core Code + Add-ons – September 22, 2021

II. Magento Membership Extension: Version 1.0.9 – September 18, 2021

  • Refactor code
  • Fix security issues
  • Fix cancel request issue
  • Add foreign keys for tables

III. Magento 2 SMS Notification: 

3.1. SMS Notification: Version 1.0.4 – September 05, 2021

  • Upgrade database table add new column verified for customer phone table
  • Support REST API send OTP, verify OTP, customer update phone number, get customer phone

3.2. Mobile OTP login: Version 1.0.1 – September 05, 2021

  • Fix bugs
  • Refactor coding standard
  • Support login with mobile phone and OTP
  • Support login with mobile phone and password
  • Support REST API login mobile phone and OTP’

IV. Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rate Shipping: Version 1.0.1 – September 01,2021

  • Added: Seller Export Flat Rates
  • Fixed: Admin listing information
  • Fixed: Quote Shipping Rate format
  • Improve: Seller Dashboard UI listing
  • Improve: Coding Standard
  • Compatible: with Multi Shipping, Split Cart addon

V. Magento 2 Hide Price Extension: Version 1.0.7 – September 01,2021

  • Refactor Coding Standard
  • Fix send email issue
  • Update Admin Quote edit and reply
  • Update Admin Message edit and reply
  • Add new email templates for admin reply messages
  • Change admin reply content
  • Remove override template phtml files for listing, compare page on frontend
  • Use JS to render hide price button and form on frontend.

VI. Magento 2 Mega Menu Extension

Magneto 2 Mega Menu Extension

6.1. Mega Menu Pro: Version 1.1.9 – August 06, 2021

  • Optimize – Category loading and searching
  • Fix issue with breadcrumbs in product detail page
  • Fix issue with button choose image to insert menu item icon, hover icon
  • Fix issue with button open WYSIWYG Editor popup (edited) 

Explore full release note here

6.2. Mega Menu Normal: Version 1.1.6 – August 27, 2021

  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.2-p1, 2.4.2-p2, 2.4.3
  • Improve coding standard
  • Fix issue with knockoutjs multiple bindings when editing menu on backend.
  • Add Prepend, Append sub menu item feature. Easily to add submenu items. (edited) 

Explore full release note here

VII. How To Get The Updates?

Please log in, and go to My Downloadable Product to download the updated extensions in your account. 

If you have any questions regarding module updates, please submit a ticket here:, and we’ll help you out.

Let’s look forward to our upcoming projects in October 2021.

Thank you and stay safe!

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