Before rushing to sell products, make customers like your products first. How? One simple trick that always works is to create an aesthetically beautiful and versatile product display. A slider is undoubtedly got the most attention span of visitors to your website. There are tons of modules out there, but now we give you a shortcut to the best one. With that being said, we would like to introduce you the best Magento 2 Slider Extension.
Now, you might be wondering what makes Magento 2 Slider extension beat out the others. Well, let’s find out!
100% Responsive With Any Dimension, Full Width, full Screen
Due to the prevalence of mobile uses, your site also needs to adapt to the trend to survive. Accordingly, Magento 2 slider allows you to create responsive, mobile-friendly or full-width slider for your site.
Featuring Video Embedding
You can embed various type of video from Youtube, Vimeo, Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos as well as Caption.
Unique Transition Effects
Magento 2 Slider features a huge number of possible transitions with live preview.
Touch Optimized Owl Carousel
Your slides will be optimized for touch drag n mouse drag or pull drag. Also, you can enable autoplay, loop, lazy load, speed, RTL layout for your slides.
Flexible display with CMS AND
To be specific, CMS and Widget makes it easier to get your image slider displayed anywhere you like, including Homepage image slider, Content Slider, Gallery Slider, Product image Slider, Footer Area, Brand Slider, Offer Slider.
Let’s deliberately make it hard to keep eyes off your extensive image slideshow with up 10 sliders. In other words, have Magento 2 Slider make a fresh, dynamic, and engaging complement to your pictures.
What is the point to stick to a plugin which you have to crack your head to figure out the way to work around? With a comprehensive understanding about it, Magento 2 Slider extension is well coded and tailored for easy management with intuitive interface.
The features listed above are just some outstanding ones, but here is the kicker:
It’s absolutely FREE.
In brief, it costs you nothing to get everything you will ever need to create masterful product image display.
Table of Contents
- Full Features
- Fully Responsive
- Custom Size
- Auto-Responsive
- Full-Screen
- Custom Image Height
- WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor
- Enable/ Disable Slides NEW
- Lazy Loading
- Fullscreen YouTube, Vimeo and
- Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos
- Auto-Start for Videos On / Off
- Multiple Animation
- Autoplay
- Auto Height
- Navigation Speed
- RTL Layout
- Enable Custom Navigation
- Show dots navigation
- Custom Speed
- Enable Loop
- Enable Lazy Load
- Touch Drag
- Mouse Drag
- Pull Drag
Where is the link to download it ?