How To Change Magento 2 Default Color – Venus theme Help


In this tutorial, I will show you how to change Magento 2 default color in Venus theme. Unlike other templates, Venus theme allows you to edit default colors in the admin panel quite easily.

As usual, each store views has several predefined color schemes. Moreover, you are able to change color by yourself. Let’s take a look at below steps:

1. Firstly, please go to Magento Admin Panel > Store > Configuration

Change Default Color magento 2

In the configuration, Please open Ves Theme setting

2. change default color magento 2 step 2
Option 1: You can choose one of the pre-default colors as below image.

change default color magento 2 option 1

Option 2: You can open color section to edit ” text color” ” Link Color” “Link Hover Color” “Button background Color” “Button Text Color”, etc by yourself

edit color by yourself


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