How To Configure Catalog Search In Magento 2


1. What is Magento 2 Catalog Search

As you may know, visitors who use search box to find product tend to purchase product more than who use navigation alone. Hence, besides allowing customer find product by menu navigation or catalog navigation, magento 2 bring you catalog search with the aim of converting more customer for your store.

So, what is catalog search?

magento 2 search catalog

Catalog search simple is a search box at the header of catalog page. Catalog search in magento 2 consists of Quick Search and Advanced Search.

How To User Catalog Search On Front-end?

  • Quick Search

In order to use Quick Search, customers just need to enter a few character of product name you want to search. Then, the matched results will appear. Finally, they only need to press ” Enter” or choose one of the result.

  • Advanced Search


To use advanced search , you only need to click on the link that is in the footer of your store. After opening the link, there is a window like below image. In this window, you need to fulfill information including product name, sku, description, short description, price, etc.

advanced-search magento 2

Moreover, there are ton of Magento 2 search extension available today. If you are looking for a smart search tool, I highly recommend: Magento 2 Search Extension

2. How To Configure Magento 2 Catalog Search

The configuration help you to take a full control of operation, display the size, display search recommendations.
In order to configure Catalog search, go to the Admin Panel > Store > Configuration > Catalog. Then open catalog Search tab and follow our step below


  • Minimal Query Length

Set Minimal Length to the number of characters that can be submitted in a query.

  • Maximum Query Length

Set Maximum Length to the number of characters that can be submitted in a query.

  • Search Engine

Set Search Engine like default.

Lastly, do not forget to Save Config

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  1. I thought there was a way to adjust settings for what parts of product search is pulling information from, like from title, description etc, no? Is it only on extensions?

