50 % Discount for Magento 1.x Extensions


1. Magento Store Locator

Magento store locator comes with interactive google maps & advanced features: marker image, location detector that helps your customers find the nearest store easily. Today LandOfCoder offers you 50% discount on this magento extension. Let’s discover now


Outstanding Features

  • Add New location
  • Manage Location
  • Easy to configuration.
  • Google Maps Integration
  • Show store locations with a nice and neat user interface
  • Locate stores through various criteria
  • Let Customers Interact with your store easily.

Details Live Demo

2. Magento Ajax Layered Navigation Extension With Price Slider

Are you looking for extension to make nagigation more flexible and friendly for user? Our Magento Ajax layered navigation comes with price slider/filter and multiple attributes, color swatches that you can fast select all the product parameters at once.


Outstanding Features

  • Price filters & sliders to filter product by price
  • AJAX for layered navigation
  • Ajax for Price Slider
  • Price Slider Skin Option
  • Compatibility with Configurable Swatches
  • Price sliders and other numeric filters
  • Mobile friendly
  • Multiple Price Slider Skin
  • The price slider supports touchscreen.
  • Compatible with RWD theme

Details Live Demo

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