Magento 2 Extension Monthly Updates – August 2021

magento 2 extensions monthly updates

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends

―Green Day

Hello our dear customers!

Another August ended, and we are ready to welcome another September with a big effort and passion to bring about high-quality products and better services.

In August, we released 50+ updated extensions including 12 big updates for Multi-vendor Marketplace extension’s core code as well as its add-ons, Blog extension, Step recommendation, Helpdesk extension, etc.

To check the new updates, please visit our product page and open the tab: RELEASE NOTES as follows:

Magento 2 Extensions Monthly Updates-August 2021

Now, let’s take a journey with us to look back at what Landofcoder team has been working on this August 2021. 

I. Multi-vendor Marketplace Extension

1.1 Magento 2 Split Cart Marketplace Addon: Version 1.0.1 – 08/31/2021

  • Improve Coding Standard
  • Support Rest API
  • Change split cart page layout
  • Fix more issues as customer reports
  • Keep Old Cart when checkout a seller cart

Explore full release note here

1.2 Magento 2 Table Rate Shipping marketplace addon: 

Version 1.0.3 -August 31, 2021

  • Improve Coding Standard
  • Compatible with Multi Shipping, Split Cart addon
  • Fix some issues with calculator shipping rate for each seller
marketplace table rate shipping
Magento 2 marketplace table rate shipping add-on

 Version 1.0.2 – August 9, 2021

  • Change controller import csv file, convert value of column price, weight_to, weight_from to float number before save
  • fix postal code on query find shipping rates
  • refactor coding
  • add new column for table “lof_marketplace_shippinglist”: cost, cart_total
  • column cost to calculate shipping cost
  • cart_total will been check the current cart total with discount is equal or greater than cart_total value or not, then apply the shipping rates
  • support zip code with charactor, number,…
  • Updated more in the file: Model/Carrier.php
  • New settings “Allow Free shipping for Zero Price”, default = No. It allow apply free shipping when min shipping price in rate = 0, else the min shipping price should be greater than 0
  • Refactor seller manage table rates shipping, edit rate form, export csv, add new rate, import csv
  • Check permission of current seller allow access edit his shipping rates only.

Explore full release note here

1.3 Magento 2 marketplace quote system: Version 1.0.6 – August 23, 2021

  • New settings about process quote steps
  • Refactor coding standard
  • New table columns as: product_sku, coupon_code, store_id, admin_price, admin_quantity, store_currency_code, expiry, user_id, user_name,..
  • Allow admin update quote data info: price, qty, add coupon coupon_code
  • Allow admin close, approve, re-new quote
  • Notify customers when quote was approved, closed, re-new
  • Refactor listing quote view, view quote detail on customer dashboard with more information
  • Allow customer add approved RFQ quote item to shopping cart to complete checkout
  • Disable send message on frontend when the quote is done or close
  • Update frontend REST API allow customer get quote, messages, request quote

Explore full release note here

1.4 Magento 2 Marketplace Multi Shipping Module: Version 1.0.1 – August 10, 2021

  • Refactor coding standard
  • Fix issue when checkout
  • Fix issue in shopping cart page

Explore full release note here

II. Magento 2 Shipping Per Product: Version 1.0.2 – August 20, 2021

  • Improve coding standard
  • Upgrade database shipping rate table with new columns: allow_second_price, second_price, cost, allow_free_shipping, free_shipping
  • Support apply second price when add more than 1 product to cart
  • Support apply free shipping when cart subtotal equal or greater than free_shipping value
  • Fix issue with calculate shipping fee on checkout cart, checkout page
  • Compatible with magento 2.4.2, 2.4.2-p1, 2.4.3

Explore full release note here

III. Magento 2 product recommendations step:

3.1 Version 1.0.3 – August 17, 2021

  • Fix issue when saving rule data, some result data is clear
  • Fix issue when add new question for rule get sql error
  • Upgrade table lof_steprecommendation_rule add new columns question_ids use for check remove columns when save rule.
  • Fix issue when import rule data from csv file
  • Remove raw sql query when get data
  • Check exists table, columns and record data when save rule

3.2 Version 1.0.2 – 08/12/2021

  • Refactor coding standard
  • New result type: Redirect query link, cms block

Explore full release note here

IV. Magento 2 Blog Extension: Version 1.0.10 – August 17, 2021

  • With rest API
  • Ves Blog extension is compatible with a Smile_ElasticSuite addon now.
search result page
Magento 2 blog extension: search result page

Explore full release note here

V. Magento 2 Help Desk Extension: Version 1.0.8 – August 12, 2021

  • Improve coding standard
  • Fix issue on magento 2.4.2-p1, 2.4.3
  • New settings show request qty field on create ticket form
  • New settings show ticket code, generate ticket code
  • Show ticket code, qty requested on admin ticket view, frontend ticket view
new settings show quantity request generate ticket code
new settings show quantity request generate ticket code

Explore full release note here

VI. Magento 2 Membership extension: Version 1.0.8 – August 16, 2021

  • PWA ready / Graph ql support

Explore full release note here

VII. Magento 2 Table Rate shipping: Version 1.0.5 – August 8, 2021

  • fix postal code on query find shipping rates
  • remove unuse code
  • refactor coding
  • add new column for table “lof_marketplace_shippinglist”: cost, cart_total
  • column cost to calculate shipping cost
  • cart_total will been check the current cart total with discount is equal or greater than cart_total value or not, then apply the shipping rates
  • support zip code with charactor, number,…
  • Updated more in the file: Model/Carrier.php
  • New settings “Allow Free shipping for Zero Price”, default = No. It allow apply free shipping when min shipping price in rate = 0, else the min shipping price should be greater than 0

Explore full release note here

VIII. Magento 2 Quote Extension: Version 1.0.12 – August 2, 2021

  • Show adjust price, original price for quote items, subtotal on quote view details frontend.
  • Add new column email_template for lof_rfq_quote table, allow send email quote with different email template
  • Compatible with Lof_RequestForQuoteMessage
  • Add container div for quote vaiew page on frontend
  • add new plugin Message for Request For Quote

Explore full release note here

IX. Magento 2 Form Builder: Version 1.1.3 – August 5, 2021

  • New module settings: barcode generator, view message for guest
  • Allow generate barcode for tracking code for each form message
  • New page for scan barcode to view form message detail on frontend
  • Update e-signature js clear field value after submit form
  • Store e-signature image into media folder
form builder new setting
form builder new setting

Explore full release note here

IV. How To Get The Updates?

Please log in, and go to My Downloadable Product to download the updated extensions in your account. 

If you have any questions regarding module updates, please submit a ticket here:, and we’ll help you out.

Let’s look forward to our upcoming projects in September 2021.

Thank you and stay safe!

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