How to Customize your Magento 2 Category page links

customize Magento 2 Category Page Links

The URL for any pages of your products can’t be neglected since it has considerable contributions on your SEO. It is advised to name the link of the page after the name of the content it provides. Don’t know how to change your URL on category pages? Congratulation! This blog will help you find out how to customize Magento 2 category page links at ease.

Step 1: Go to Magento Admin Panel > Products > Categories

Customize category page link 1

Step 2: Choose the product you want to change its URL site

Customize category page link 2

Step 3: Click Search Engine Optimization

Customize category page link 3

Step 4: Change the name on the box URL Key.

Customize category page link 4

Step 5: After changing the name of the category page link you want, remember to click Save at the top right of the page.

customize category page links 5

Then settle in watching the changes you’ve just made. Hope you find it helpful.

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